Chapter 2: When Peace finds You

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(ClownPierce POV)

My eyes shoot open. According to my internal clock, it's around 2am. I heard a sound coming from the living room with the children. Stepping out of bed, I creep down the hallway. I stop right before I reach the door. Suddenly I burst into the room!

"HA! GOT YOU-" I shout and then close my mouth. The children are all stacked up on one another and trying to reach the pantry. "Uh, what are you guys doing?"

Vitalasy looks down before pointing at ItzSubz below him. "He wanted a snack..."

ItzSubz looks up, flabbergasted. "WHAT?! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO WANTED A SNACK!"

Vitalasy screams right back, "What?! No...! That was you!"

Parrot wobbles a bit. He's the one holding up the tower of children. "G-guys! I can't hold the tower up!" The whole tower suddenly collapses with Vitalasy and Subz still fighting.

I sigh and look down at the squabbling children. "Guys, shut up. If you wanted a snack you could've just asked." I then look at Branzy. "I asked you to keep an eye on them!"

Branzy shrugs, "Sowwy."

Reddoons rolls his eyes. "We need one more child anyways, our tower is too short. We need Zam."

Spepticle's eyes widen. "Uh, where is PrinceZam...?"

A collective gasp is heard. Zam is missing, and we didn't even notice... I snatch up my scythe and strap it to my back. "I'll be back in a minute, I need to find Zam!"

Spepticle shouts after me, "Wait! Last time I saw him he went out hunting! He could be in the woods!"

(PrinceZam POV)

I groan in pain. My eyes flutter open and I blink back the dizziness. My whole body hurts and my head throbs. What happened? I can feel the grass poking at my shirt. Did I fall unconscious? Was I injured? I knew I shouldn't have gone hunting today. I look up at the sky, it's dark outside.

I sit up and breathe. Why does everything look so big? I must've really hit my head hard... I try to stand but my knees feel wobbly and unnatural. I fall back down and my crown drops from my head. I glance down at my shiny metal. It's... huge! No, no, no, no, what's happening?! Am I smaller?

Tears sting my eyes, I bury my face in my knees. I can't hold back my feelings anymore. I begin sobbing uncontrollably. I've never felt this small and helpless in my entire life! I'm lost, small, and it's dark. I'm completely utterly lost. A slight breeze picks up and leaves me shuddering. What am I to do?

"Grrr..." a low growling sound alerts me of nearby danger. I raise my head up and look around. There, in the woods, are two red eyes and sharp teeth. I'm not alone here, that's a wolf! White foam emits from the beast's mouth. It's rabid, and feral. I can't help but let out a small squeak of fear at the sight.

I scramble to my feet and bolt away. My tiny legs are moving as fast as possible. The wolf's pitter-patter sound of their paws is close behind me. I rush through the woods, bushes snag onto my clothes and slow me down. The adrenaline pumps through my veins causing my eyes to dart all over. My gaze passes over a clearing in the foliage.

A quick glance over my shoulder tells me that I'm in imminent danger. Using the opportunity, I take a sharp turn into the clearing. My quick moves toss the wolf off my track for a few seconds. I use the time to look for a hiding spot. There! I spot a hollowed out tree. I sprint towards the dark oak and enter the opening.

Behind the safety of the bark I crouch down and cover my mouth. I'm careful not to breathe too loudly as the wolf searches nearby. I look around for anything I can use to defend myself. Rocks maybe?

I Sold my Soul when I had Kids (LifeSteal Family AU???)Where stories live. Discover now