Mistrali-Arcadian War: Separate Ways

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This almost got delayed.

What I thought was going to be short 1k words, turned into a 3.4k worded chapter (not counting the Author Notes). Mind any mess you see in here, but feel free to point them out, so I can correct them.

Changes In The Video:
-Ren uses his Pistols' Bayonets(?), instead of the sword the Rogue uses.

As for the Song:
Due to the Song and Script both being in Bold, The lyrics will be in [Brackets]


War in Mistral!

The Kingdom of Mistral had declared war against the Principality of Arcadia, Mistral declares Arcadia has invaded unprovoked, and took a settlement. However, Arcadia has long since had a long lasting port there, the city of Domrémy. The other Kingdoms would side with Mistral, not knowing their lie, but they would not provide assistance to the warring kingdom, as they don't wish to bring their own homes into conflict.

"Domrémy?" Pyrrha gasped, "Jaune isn't that-?"
"My hometown, it's just a farming village, though. We have a small port sure, but just for fishing boats." Jaune pointed out, "And we're no where near Mistral!"
"Different world, I guess," Nora shrugged.
"Seems to be the case," Ren agreed.

"Principality?" Ruby asked.
Ozpin answered, "A kingdom, but the land was given, not conquered."
"Why not just ask for the land back?" she asked
Ironwood answered instead, "The people likely lived there for years, they probably don't want to be Mistrali citizens."

Correct, The greed of Mistrali Nobles was the cause of the war. They grew jealous of how prosperous the port-city became, and sought to reintegrate Domrémy back into the kingdom. The Arcadian city refused, and the nobles took offense to that, and strong armed the Mistral council to declare war.

The Headmasters of Atlas and Beacon sighed.
"The Mistral Council really needs to reign in their nobles."
"Or Abolish them entirely."

Due to the war, Jaune left Beacon to defend his home. The rest of Team JNPR could not leave with him, this is due to political reasons associated with being a revered Mistrali Tournament Champion.

The Audience stayed silent to gauge their JNPR's reaction.

 The theater then filled with thundered sound of a Fist slamming on an arm rest, like a hammer on Anvil. 

"Pyrrha?!" Jaune jumped in his seat
"We can't help you, Jaune!" She answered bitterly.
"It's okay, it's my home to defend, not yours." he tried to defuse.

Pyrrha replied in fury, "You're our leader, and my Partner, Jaune. Don't assume we'd just be "Okay" that we can't help you! How would you feel if you couldn't help any of us?"

"She's not wrong though, we would always want to look out for each other."

"I'd be upset, furious even," Jaune sighed, "Alright Pyr I get it, you guys want to help me, and I love you guys for that, but this," He motioned to the blank screen, "This would be war, actual war. I wouldn't put you guys through that, not when you guys are Mistral born, to fight against your own kingdom?"

"Jaune, we're Huntsmen, relocation is part of the job," Ren said. 
Nora followed, "Yeah, and with Ren & I no being orphans, and living here, we're Valeans now!"
Jaune relented but, "Fine, but what about you Pyrrha? Your parents are in Argus."

The Argosian flinched.

Jaune makes a point, Pyrrha can't leave due to the aforementioned political reasons, and while she does not care for her imagine when it comes to doing the right thing, it would lead to harm falling on her family by Mistrali patriots in Argus. With Ren & Nora considered Vale Citizens, they also can't participate, as The Kingdoms barred volunteers with the emplaced embargo.

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