The returns

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the continuation when mark returns to the future and he meets Carla (Jane's younger sister)

After Mark's incredible journey through time, he finally returns to the future, eager to reunite with Jane. However, when he arrives, he discovers that Jane's sister, Carla, is gravely ill with cancer. Mark's heart sinks as he learns about Carla's condition.

Filled with compassion and a desire to help, Mark spends time with Carla, comforting her and offering support. They form a deep bond as they share stories about Jane and reminisce about their time together. Carla finds solace in Mark's presence, and he becomes a source of strength for her during her difficult battle.

One day, Carla takes Mark to their family's house, where he is reunited with Jane. The joy of seeing each other again is bittersweet, as they are reminded of the fragility of life. Determined to make the most of the time they have left, Mark and Jane decide to travel back to the past and live their remaining days together.

In the past, Mark and Jane create beautiful memories, cherishing every moment they have. They explore new places, go on adventures, and embrace the love they share. However, the shadow of Jane's illness looms over their happiness, casting a sense of sadness and uncertainty.

As Jane's health deteriorates, Mark remains by her side, providing comfort and care. They face the challenges together, finding solace in their love and the memories they've created. Mark's unwavering support and Jane's strength inspire those around them.

Eventually, Jane's battle with cancer comes to an end, and she passes away, leaving Mark heartbroken. But he takes solace in knowing that they made the most of their time together and shared a love that transcended time itself.

Though Mark is devastated by Jane's loss, he carries her memory with him, cherishing the moments they had and the impact she had on his life. He continues to honor her legacy by living a life filled with love, compassion, and a deep appreciation for the preciousness of every moment.

Love in the wrong time |Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat