Iris turned to Jiang Ying Yue who was watching her son and the others from afar.

"Sister Ying Yue," Iris called. It was only recently that she began addressing her friend like this.

Jiang Ying Yue faced her. "Yes, Xiulan?"

"Are you okay?"

Jiang Ying Yue looked confused at first but still nodded with a smile.

"I mean with the lawsuit," Iris clarified.

"Ah." Jiang Ying Yue paled a little. Her smile also dimmed. "Yes, I'm, not really." She sighed.

Iris didn't reply but waited for her friend to say more.

"Lin Yehan—I mean Mr. Lin—"

"It's fine, Sister Ying Yue. Call Eldest Brother whatever you normally call him."

Jiang Ying Yue blushed and looked down on her lap to avoid Iris' straightforward gaze. There was no teasing in Iris' tone or expression but Jiang Ying Yue still couldn't stop herself from feeling shy.

"Okay..." She cleared her throat. "Lin Yehan...he tells me that the lawsuit should have already concluded by this time seems that your father, uhm, I mean President Long is purposely trying to delay the lawsuit behind the scenes."

Iris' eyes turned icy. Ketchup already informed her and Jin Liwei about Long Tengfei's interference in the lawsuit. Despite his disapproval at his son's actions, Long Tengfei was still doing everything in his power to secretly protect Long Hui.

Iris and Jin Liwei wanted to step in to move things along by force if necessary but Lin Yehan had specially requested that they don't interfere in the case. It was enough that Iris and Jin Liwei were protecting Little Jun's privacy and preventing the media from feasting on the innocent child. Lin Yehan wanted to solve his problem with Long Hui with his own abilities. Jin Liwei respected his Eldest Brother's decision, so as the wife, Iris trusted her husband's stance and stood by him.

Now, however, Iris was ready to break her promise with Lin Yehan if Jiang Ying Yue requested for help. She couldn't stomach watching her friend and the mother of her beloved godson suffering like this because of a jerk.

"Do you want me to help speed along the lawsuit?" Iris asked.

Jiang Ying Yue shook her head without any hesitation. "It's fine, Xiulan. Thank you. But I think we should trust Lin Yehan in this matter."

"Fine. If that's what you want." Iris smiled.

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Chapter 1172 - Meet The Qualifications

It took Iris many days to persuade her husband and everyone else to allow her to ease back to work. Her bed rest might have already ended but her miscarriage scare traumatized not only her but also her husband and all of their loved ones. They kept their eyes on her like a hawk at all times and never allowed her to overexert herself in anything. This time, she no longer dared to be careless. She didn't want to risk losing her babies anymore.

Nevertheless, she still resumed all the work she had that got held back due to her unexpected bed rest. Even if she couldn't complete all the tasks as fast as she wanted, this snail pace was still better than lying down on the bed and doing nothing. At least now, she could again start helping to solve some of the problems that their family had been dealing with for a while now.

Iris was busy inside her computer room at the moment. She was examining and analyzing Bacon's system. This was something that she had been itching to do ever since Bacon evolved to become the power flood itself. She put Bacon to sleep mode while she was studying him and tweaking the codes in his system along the way to consolidate the changes made after his evolution.

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