Moonlit Bridge, 03

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The laughter of friends echoed through the cozy cafe as Maloi savored each moment, basking in the warmth of companionship and the joy of shared memories. Aiah, Stacey, Mikha, Jhoanna, Sheena and Gwen surrounded her, their camaraderie a soothing balm to her weary soul.

Amidst the lighthearted banter and playful jests, Maloi felt a weight upon his chest, a burden she could no longer bear in silence. With a deep breath, she braced himself to share the truth that had been gnawing at her, threatening to consume her from within.

"I..I almost killed myself" Maloi admitted, her words hanging heavy in the air.

Her friends' expressions shifted from mirth to concern, their eyes widening with disbelief and alarm. Questions tumbled from their lips in a torrent, their voices a chorus of worry and confusion.

Explaining everything that happened last night in detailed. The air grew still, her friends exchanged worried glances, concern etched upon their faces. "Sinong pumigil sayo?"  Jhoanna's voice cut through the silence, her curiosity tinged with apprehension.

"Colet," Maloi replied, her words met with a collective gasp from her friends. 

A hush fell over the group, their gazes locking in a silent exchange of disbelief and shock. Sheena's eyes widened in astonishment, her voice trembling as he sought confirmation. "Colet? Vergara?" she repeated, her mind struggling to reconcile the name with their reality

Maloi nodded, "Oo nga, si Colet nga"  her expression grave as she described Colet's features with meticulous detail. Yet, even as she spoke, a flicker of hope danced in her eyes, a glimmer of light amidst the encroaching darkness.

Stacey, her emotions raw and unfiltered, spoke , her voice thick with tears. "Pero.. wala na si ate Colet," she murmured, her words a painful reminder of the gaping void left in their lives.

Maloi's heart clenched at her words, her mind recoiling in disbelief. "Hindi,"  she protested, her voice trembling with denial. "Kasama ko nga lang siya kagabi e"

Aiah, the voice of reason amidst their tumultuous emotions, sighed heavily. "She's gone, Maloi," she said softly, her gaze filled with empathy. "Wala na ang girlfriend mo, she died by jumping off a bridge, which what you almost did last night."

The weight of Aiah's words settled upon Maloi like a crushing blow, the truth too bitter to bear. Her mind reeled with disbelief, her thoughts consumed by a torrent of confusion and grief.

As Aiah's words echoed in the somber silence, a heavy silence descended upon the group, their hearts heavy with the weight of loss and longing. For even as they yearned to hold onto the memory of their beloved friend, they knew that some wounds could never fully heal, and some goodbyes could never truly be said.

Her mind started to raced backed with memories of their time together, the stolen glances, the tender moments, the whispered promises of forever. She starts to remember it all.

But now, all she was left with were fragments of a love that had once burned brightly, now reduced to ashes by the cruel hand of fate. Colet, her beloved, her confidant, her reason for clinging to life, was nothing more than a ghost haunting the recesses of her broken heart.

As the reality of her loss threatened to consume her whole, Maloi clung to the memories of their last night together, the warmth of Colet's embrace, the reassurance of her presence, the love that had transcended time and space.

Yet, even as she mourned the loss of her beloved, Maloi knew that he owed it to Colet, her girlfriend, the girl who had saved her, was now nothing more than a memory, a phantom haunting the corridors of her fractured soul. She was gifted with a second chance, a chance to cherish each fleeting moment, to savor the sweetness of life's simplest pleasures, to find solace in the embrace of those who remained.

And though the pain of her loss would never truly fade,  For in her darkest hour, Colet had been her guiding light, her beacon of hope amidst the encroaching shadows. Though their time together had been fleeting, the impact of their bond would echo through the corridors of her heart for eternity. Maloi found solace in the knowledge that Colet's love would forever be etched upon her heart, a guiding light in the darkest of nights, a reminder that even in death, love endures.

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