𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖊𝖓

Start from the beginning

After few hours, Emily came back, holding a key on her hand with Huggy following her behind." Good job sweetie." Ella said softly making Emily grin up to her as Ella use the key to unlocked the door. Once the door unlocked, they went in and saw what a charming office. Ella hum as she looks around while Emily notice a loose vent." Hey Huggy? can you lift me up to that vent??" Emily asked him while pointing at the loose vent. Huggy wuggy nodded before lifting her up close to the vent.

Emily ripped the vent opened before going in." Careful Emily." Ella called out making Emily yelled." OK!"


As Emily crawl out of the vent, hopping out as she landed on the ground on foot safely before looking around her, trying to figure something out. Though a box fell over making her scream and turn as she ready to attack or something but its just Poppy, who accidently pushed the box." Opps! sorry, i didn't mean to scare you." Poppy apologized as Emily tried to calm down her fast beating heart.

"Geez, you scared me." Emily said making Poppy chuckle apologetically before speaking." Sorry, I was just trying to get the power back on." Poppy said as she step a side, revealing the power that Emily need. Emily shot the blue hand towards the connection point, lighting the wire before she walk backwards wrapping the wire around the pole before shooting the red hand towards another connection point, causing a loud beep meaning the power is back on.

This made Poppy clapped her hands together making Emily look up." Great job! You know, i have an idea of how to get out of here." Poppy said as she headed to the vent, climbing into it as Emily could hear her voice echoing through the vent." There is a train station that needs its code, and i have it. We're gonna get out of here." Poppy said as Emily climbs up to the vent and start crawling.


Ella was waiting for her daughter to come out before letting out a relief sigh when Emily came in view, hopping out as she landed on the ground safely." hey, im up here." poppy voice called out making the three look over and saw poppy was waving her hand to them." come on." Poppy said while smiling as she went back to the vent.

Emily went first ahead with Ella and Huggy following behind her. They manage to jump another gap before they finally met up with Poppy, who was in front of the large hole. Ella stop walking as she instantly knew what will happen next as Emily and Huggy wuggy walk towards to her. Poppy turn to face them with serious expression on her face." listen, im going to need you to trust me-" then out of nowhere a pink hand stretch out from the hole, grabbing poppy before dragging her down, making her scream as it echoes through the hole. Emily yelp and back up while Huggy wuggy growls lowly.

Ella frown as she instantly knew who it was before walking forward." Come on you two! let's follow her." Ella said as she jump in first, follow by hesitant Emily then Huggy wuggy. Ella fell down before she felt like she was now on the slide. She then heard Emily let out a 'wee' noise like a kid making Ella chuckle softly in amusement.

Ella landed on her feet once she was shot out of the tube, while Emily crashed on the ground, making Ella wince before wincing again when Huggy wuggy crashed on top of her." you okay??" Ella asked as she help her daughter up." Im okay ma. Im okay." Emily said to her as she dizzily stood up while Huggy wuggy let out a series of chirps as if he was saying sorry.

Emily just pat him, telling him that its alright. Then after another few minutes on activating the power again, the door unlocked as they both go through the halls. Ella tense up as this is the place were they will meet Mommy Long legs.' I hope she recognized me. . . .if not, then this will have a serious problem.' Ella thought as they walk forward. Emily shoot out the red hand to the red hand scanner, when all the sudden a pink hand grabbed the red hand.

"*GASP* A new playmate!" a voice called from above, making Emily yelp and tried to pulled the red hand back, breaking it as the pink hand went up with the red hand. Ella pushed Emily behind her, protectively when Mommy Long legs appeared from above." Its been so. . .Loong. . ." Mommy Long legs said while smiling before freezing when she stared at Ella, who was staring back at her. Huggy wuggy was growling a bit, ready to pounce if needed to.

"It cant be. . . .no. . ." Mommy Long legs lean her head down, making Ella back up a bit, while Emily tremble behind her." You are Not HER." Mommy Long legs snarled at the end before smiling like nothing happen. "Isn't this exciting poppy??" Mommy long legs said as she revealed Poppy in her other hand, mouth was covered by webs." Very exciting mommy." Mommy Long legs mimicked Poppy's voice before looking back to them.

"Mommy heard that Ms. Poppy was going to just give you the train code to escape. . . Now how is that fun??" Mommy long legs said while tilting her head in creepy way made Ella frown even more." Instead, why dont we make a game out of it? the game station is still working. It will be just like old times." Mommy Long legs said while smiling.

"And if you win all the games, then i will give you the code." Mommy long legs mimicked poppy voice before gasping." Mommy loves that Idea. Oh, were gonna have so much fun." Mommy Long legs before looking at them." Head to the musical memory and mommy will get things started." she said before leaning down as her voice becames creepy and more terrifying as she spoke.

"Obey the rules, or i'll tear you apart eat all you inside. . .while you're still alive imposter. . . " Mommy long legs said as Emily trembled behind Ella while huggy wuggy growl as Mommy long legs let out a soft chuckle before laughing insanely as she disappeared from above.

'Yep, she didnt recognized me. . .'

𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖊𝖊𝖗'𝖘 𝖊𝖞𝖊𝖘 [discountinued]Where stories live. Discover now