Chapter 11 - Kickflip

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Chapter Warning: Smut,P in V Sexy Time, Cunnilingus, Phone Sex, Profanity, Mutual Masturbation?, Masturbation, Unprotected Sex (don't be like them - WRAP IT UP), Creampie (at least we're on bc), Possessive Sex, Possessive Behavior

A/N: thanks for your patience on this one! i took my time because i REALLY wanted to do this chapter justice. it's been a LONG journey to get here. this chapter ended up being JUST under 12k words omg. I hope yall enjoy!

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When Choso pulls back, you find yourself chasing him, a small whine falling from your lips before you can even try to stop it. It's pathetic really, how eager you are to be close to him after just this short time apart. He's traveled for competition longer than this and yet, now that you've gotten a small dose of what life would be like without Choso within your reach, you're positive that you never want to experience it again.

He chuckles softly, thumb caressing your cheek as you stare up at him. Those beautiful brown eyes of his seem to almost glow in the dark, hypnotizing you. You're not sure if you'd ever gotten lost in anyone's eyes the way you do Choso's. You're so lost in them you barely notice when his lips begin to move, calling your name quietly. You only snap out of your daze when Choso cups your jaw in his hand and leans forward to press a soft kiss to your cheek.

"So..." He looks away for a moment. Like he's wondering if it's worth asking. But it must be because he asks anyway, "how did the conversation go?"

Ah, right. With everything that had happened tonight, and the intensity of it all, you had forgotten you let Choso know you would be heading to Suguru's to talk.

Earlier that evening...

You'd called Choso before texting Suguru that you were heading his way. He was a little taken aback since the first thing that had left your big mouth after Choso said "hello" was "I'm on my way to Suguru's place".

"Huh..." was all Choso could muster.

You quickly scrambled to recover. It probably wasn't the best idea to start off your first conversation in days by telling him you were heading to the apartment of the man he despises.

"Sorry! What I meant to say is I'm heading over to Suguru' end things. For good."


The silence hung heavily between the both of you and you wondered if maybe you'd gotten the wrong idea from the voice message Choso had left you. Perhaps when he said he wanted the chance to sit down and talk, he truly meant he simply wanted to talk, and maybe end this messy affair you had dragged him into. And if that were the case, could you really blame him?

"He's here by the way," Choso mutters, pulling you out of your anxious thoughts. "At the park..." It's then that you can hear the distant sound of wheels on pavement, so familiar to you after all this time.

"Oh, that's awkward."

And for the first time in what feels like forever, though it's only been some days, you hear that cute little puff of air that you know as the sound of Choso trying to hold in a laugh. It makes you smile. You wonder if he's smiling with you.

"Will you be okay going alone?" He asks.

Would you? You were nervous, of course. You'd become accustomed to having Suguru in your life regardless of how awful he was. But you had no doubt in your mind that this needed to happen. In order to secure your future, in order to show the man on the other end of this call that you were serious about him, you needed to do this – alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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