Chapter 5

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Dazai Osamu

16 years old

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR THIS!" Chuuya shouted. He made a wild grab at the hat in my hands, but alas, he's too short for that.

"If you can," I laughed, stretching my arm above my head so that he couldn't reach his hat. "It would be funny to see you try."


"Oh, I'm so scared~" I sang, moving out of the way as my fellow executive punched my arm.

I stopped when I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. When I pulled it out, I realized that I had an incoming call from Boss.

I pressed the accept button.

"Hello?" I asked. Chuuya is still seething from besides me, and I raise the hat higher when he grabs at it.

"Dazai-kun." He froze when he heard the familiar, cold voice of the Port Mafia boss. I noticed and switched the speaker off. "I have some unfortunate news for you."

"Unfortunate?" I echoed.

"There was a car crash between one of our cars and a citizen's," Boss explained. "Both sides have suffered fatal injuries. Two people died in the citizen car."

"That's not a big deal," I said dismissively. "We can cover it up easily enou-"

"Dazai-kun." Mori cut me off. "The two dead citizen's names were Hayato and Minami."

I froze.

They couldn't be the same people I knew, right?

"What's their family name?" I asked.

"Dazai." My eyes widened at the name.

So...the people who have died are my parents.

But did I really care?

I did...but not because of them.

"Was there anyone else in the car?" I questioned.

"Yes." My heart sunk at that single word. "She's currently in the Yokohama hospital right now. She was severely injured in the crash."

"She..." I tried to calm my breathing, but it wasn't working. "What's her name?"

"Dazai Tsuyuri."

I felt Chuuya's hat slip out of my hand.

"OI!" He roared, preparing to kick me. My legs buckled as his foot made contact with my stomach. Normally, I would dodge with ease, but the shock had me frozen in position. I crouched there, overcome with pain and surprise.

"That was all. I'll see you later, Dazai-kun." Mori ended the call. I stayed like that for a moment, my mind unable to process the information he had just given me.

"Dazai? What the hell is wrong with you?" Chuuya snarled, snapping me out of my daze. I pocketed my phone and stood up, walking briskly out of the building. My hand clenched the wooden sparrow that rested in my other pocket. I could feel its beak cut my palm.

"H- hey!" Chuuya shouted. "Where are you going?"

"To the Yokohama hospital," I replied, not looking back. "I have to go see someone there."

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