Chapter 3: The Battle of the chosen.

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Eloise stared at at the dark, there was someone here before but it doesn't seem like it anymore. His magic is amazing. If she had a magic like that, she swears she'd have found any possible way to end her family.

   Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud grumble from her stomach,

"Ugh! He was so daunting, I forgot I was hungry." she expressed her frustration by touching a sapphire gem beside the scarlet one and it took her somewhere she never expected.

  Unfortunately for her, it wasn't the kitchen but the training ground of the Imperial Palace, this is where the battle of the chosens were hosted. 

  How embarrassing this is! She was teleported into the lap of a random person in the crowd. She awkwardly apologized and stood up.

  She made her way to the front row to get a better view of the fight and see for herself the magic the empress described in her book.

  The first battle was between a green hair guy and a pink hair girl. Many opposed against the opposite genders fighting each other because many believed that men were stronger but the emperor justified, saying strength is equal.

   "Next battle, Candra from Zephyra and Akar from Shuris."

It was Eloise first time seeing a panther fight. She was ecstatic to see what her people had to offer. And with a Falcon? Woah, this was something straight from a book!

   "Place your bets! 3..2..1..Fight!"

Akar made the first move, he leaped in the air to analyze his opponent. What are falcon known for? he asked himself. Wind.

  He saw with his enhanced sense that his opponent was getting ready to meet him mid-air and oh, he was pumped.

  He stretched out his hand, and his nails turned into claws. He had claws and she had wings.

Candra sprunged in the air with her majestic wings. She wore a manic grin when she realized her opponent was underestimating her. He had claws, as expected of a panther and she had only wings or so he thought. She further extended her scales and it turned sharp. She also had her own secret weapon.

   The clash between Candra and Akar intensified with each of them showcasing their skills and strategy. It was a thrilling spectacle that kept the audience at the edge of their seat and Eloise couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for this warriors.

  She watched as the battle reach its climax, eagerly anticipating its outcome. The cheers and excitement from the crowd filled the air and Eloise couldn't help but glimmer with enthusiasm.

  "The beauty lost!" someone said.

"No, she hasn't given up yet." another replied

    "No, she really has lost. Her opponent is a panther- secrecy. His claws were poisoned." Eloise inferred aloud with passionate eyes.

  The announcer looked directly at Eloise and nodded, "Indeed, young lady."

Someone from the crowd shouted, "But, Candra's still moving!"

   Eloise gave the person a steely gaze, "Not anymore."

As her words sank into the person's head, Candra fell to the floor- DEAD.

  "Akar won! And as the winner request, he picks the one he wants to fight with! Who will it be?"

Akar gave her a quick glance before turning to the Emperor who Eloise didn't realize was here with his wife and someone familiar- her sister.

  Wow, her sister is really social. Akar faced the Emperor with determination,

"Your majesty, I would like to face the crown prince, Sir Finn Ledger."

The crowd paused for a moment to check if they heard right, then they burst into loud cheers,

   "Yes! The best fight in history! Say yes, your majesty!"

The Emperor hesitated before finally giving his approval, "Very well. If you win, anything you ask is yours."

   "Anything?" Akar asked probingly, he wanted to make sure he heard the emperor's voice loud and clear, this was his only chance of earning a fortune to save his dying father.

  He didn't care how many innocent lives were taken or the amount of sacrifices, all he wanted was the money to treat his dad's ailment. 

  "Do you doubt the emperor?" The empress butted in furiously, "or were your ears damaged in the fight?"

   Akar bowed his head and apologized for his slip of tongue, "I'm sorry, your majesty."

"You better be! After all, no level of disrespect towards the emperor or empress is tolerated." Eloisa reiterated in a strident voice.

   "Yes, miss." Akar kept his head low.

The Emperor nodded to the announcer and the announcer bursted out cheerily,

   "The Emperor has given his blessings and now, the battle between The 'ANGEL OF DEATH' and Akar from Shuris would soon commence!"

   Eloise watched as the Empress whispered to her sister and the two ladies giggled happily. She shifted her gaze to the opening gate to the battlefield.

From the gate, the crown prince arrived. From the moment he stared at his opponent, it was as if he knew he was already gonna win. Eloise adjusted her seat uncomfortably, Akar didn't stand a chance against him.

  "Goodness Gracious! The gorgeous crown prince everyone talked about has finally showed his face to the crowd, his charming eyes, his.." 

  The announcer trailed off when Finn snarled at him to get to the point.

"*Gulp* Ahem, the fight between the crown prince and Akar starts in- Uh, place your bets! It starts in 3...2...1.. Fight!"

   Instead of excitement, the crowd was filled with worry- Akar wasn't gonna survive, right? was the thought that ran through their head.

    Time stopped and 0.2 seconds into the fight, Finn won.

It was too fast for anyone's eyes to see except Eloise. She's prepared for this her whole life through tips from some book and she couldn't believe it worked.

  So, what happened? Finn transported Akar to another world where they can have their own convo. Finn's sword was aimed at Akar's neck as he asked Akar for any last word. Akar muttered under his breath with tears in his eyes,

   "Yes, save my father and take care of my poverty stricken family in Shuris."

"Consider it done." Finn gave a reassuring smile before slicing through his neck.

In the present world, the crowd gagged at the severed head of Akar, his blank eyeball staring at them. He was a skilled fighter with so much more battles ahead of him but as he said, risks gotta be taken.

  "T-The crown prince is the winner!" the announcer stammered, hell no, this guy's a demon. he thought to himself

   Finn searched the crowd and grinned when he spotted Eloise. He mouthed, 'you still touched a gem.'

  She nodded timidly, 'Yes, but it wasn't the scarlet one' she mouthed back.

His lips curved in amusement as he uttered quietly, 'you're quite interesting, Princess Eloise Maryanne Vanderbilt'

  Then he vanished into thin air. Eloise's face flushed, it was the first time someone called her by her previous title with respect.

  Yes, she doesn't want to go back to the kingdom nor be a princess but she didn't understand why her heart was pounding at just some ordinary words? Is it because it made her dream closer? Or because the crown prince's charm was unescapable?

   She closed her eye and wondered if she'll see more of him. 

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