On the planet Kamino. There is blaster fire and clone troopers fire a Jedi master Shaak ti.
Shaak ti is a Jedi master who deeply cares for all clones. Unlike other Jedi who saw the clones as expendable soldiers, She loved all clones.She deflects the blaster shots as they hit the clones but nowhere near any important places in the body.
She then gets hit in the leg and falls on one knee as multiple clones surround her waiting to execute her.
She closes her eyes awaiting death when suddenly a republic shuttle explodes. Sending her and some clones to the floor. She looks up and sees multiple shuttles landing.
The shuttle doors open and a small army of 91st clone troopers rush out and fire stun blasters at the enemy clones
91st clone: Go go go!!
91st clone: move it! Get to cover!!
Shaak couldn't believe her eyes. Clones vs clones, brothers vs brothers. She notices the clones that saved her from death have set their blasters to stun. Before she could do anything she gets stunned from behind and fall unconscious but gets grabbed by a friendly clone and is escorted to one of the shuttles.
A team of 91st clones quickly and quietly sneak through the hallways, avoiding any enemy troopers. They turn left towards the dorms, and a clone hacks into the door code and unlocks it. They enter and see tons of young cadet clones. The cadets notices the soldiers and ask multiple questions
91st clone: no time, we've got to get everyone of you out here now! Pack your things and let's move!
Loading dock
Viper exits the shuttle looking at the ending battle. Every enemy clone unconscious and some of his men injured but ok. He then turns to one of troopers
Viper: call in a transport shuttle
The clone nods the links up with the main ship as Viper continues to walk through the loading dock. The sound doors slide open can be heard behind Viper as he sees the two teams escorting all of the cadets
Viper: hello boys, ready to go
All the cadets nod but then they all see their older brothers unconscious but we're told the situation, so they know there fine.
Two transport shuttles fly into the facility and land in front of the clones, and a ton of medical troopers walk out and start to help both friendly and enemy clones and load them up onto stretchers. The cadets are then escorted to one shuttle while the injured clones are loaded into the other.
Viper watches the shuttles take of and fly back to the main ship, then one of his clones runs up to him.Clone: sir! Order 66 has been sent by every clone in the galaxy!
Viper: damn it! Ok load up and let's go!
The clones quickly load up and the shuttles leave the facility.
The story of the Rouge Legion
FanfictionWhen Order 66 started a large scale of the inhibitor chips somehow malfunctioned in the clones. The clones who's chips malfunctioned fought back against their brothers, before stealing supplies, blasters, food, and water. They also rescued all the y...