and then mrs. jones peered at me through her tiny reading glasses across the room, "jade did i just hear you correctly?"

I watched michael begin to crack up from the corner of my eyes. I sat there in my desk, not wanting to make a single move.

I didn't know what to say. I never caused trouble in this class, or any class in general.

"do the two of you need to go talk this out in the principles office?"

and then michael and myself exchanged a glance towards one another, michael obviously in love with all the attention.

I softly shook my head, "no-" and then instantly I was cut off,

"yes!" michael bursted up from his desk.

I felt my mouth became agape as I glanced up at him, wondering what the hell he was trying to pull here.

and then I looked back at mrs. jones,
looking confused as ever.

he pursed her red lips, "alright then, jade and michael go to the office for the rest of the period."

after these words were spoken, michael glanced downwards at me with a smirk, collecting his bag together.

I let out a soft sigh and took one final glance at all the staring faces around the classroom. this was not happening, I did not need this right now.

and then I slung my backpack around my shoulders, pushing my chair into the desk, and making my way across the classroom with beating eyes on the two of us.

when we finally made it out into the hallway, michael closed the door gently behind us.

I began almost speed walking down the hallway, not stopping to wait for him. in fact I didn't want to walk down to the office with him at all.

and that's when I heard his loud footsteps pace against the tile floor, sprinting in my direction. I didn't bother to turn around to look at him.

then he finally caught up to me, grabbing onto my shoulder and stopping me from walking anymore.

I let out a quick gasp at his rough touch, being restricted in the middle of the hallway.

I gazed at him with a rough facial expression, "what the hell do you want from me, Michael?"

his eyes searched mine, "I want to know everything."

I let out a scoff, "what are you talking about?" I gave him a confused glance.

"about you and luke," he swallowed deeply, "how did the two of you suddenly end up together?"

I broke eye contact with him, staring intently down at the floor. I began to think of him. I began to think of how it was going to take some serious getting used to not having him here with me all of the time.

it haven't quite hit me yet that I had to go straight home after school. there was no more stopping by his place and spending the night, there was no more pier visits, there were no late night car rides.

we were apart now.

and now every time someone spoke his name all I had were memories. and I had to wait a month to see that boy again.

once I was finally ready to talk, I peered up at michaels eyes, "it just kinda happened." I shrugged my shoulders slightly.

he raised an eyebrow, the pierced one, "and you and ashton? him and olivia?"

"done and done." I simply stated.

he let out a quick breath of air, "shit," he shook his head, "I wanted something more interesting."

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