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Jake's POV

Amara was silent on the drive to my place, her face patched against the window pane where droplets of water cascaded. Every now and then she would wipe under her eyes, then sniffle. I wanted to take away her pain and make her feel better, but I also knew that she hated me seeing her break down.

She was a strong prideful young woman and the fact that she allowed me to take her home told me that she was desperate to get away from her parents. I wondered what she meant by saying her father left them years ago. When I talked briefly with Daniel he mentioned a daughter, but didn't tell me it was an estranged daughter he left years ago.

I couldn't believe that the daughter he wanted me to help was Amara, or could it be another daughter? Did he have other children apart from Amara? What were the odds that the person Daniel wanted me to offer a job was the woman I have been after all these weeks?

Amara decided she was okay to walk on her own when we arrived at my place, she didn't want to go to hers because she knew her mother would go looking for her. As much as I didn't think this would be how she came to my house, I was still happy to have her with me. I was willing to take any scraps I got.

As I watched her take in my space, I wished she was here under different circumstances. We needed to get out of our wet clothes, especially her, telling her to follow me upstairs I went to my guestroom to run her a bath. I filled the bathtub with salts my sister had bought the last time she was here knowing that they will relax Amara. She needed to relax and forget what she went through tonight.

"Towels are in this drawer, and I will leave a change of clothes on the bed," I told her as she looked around the spacious room.

I planned to shower while she had her bath, I was sure the poor girl needed a breather from me. "Thank you," she said with a small smile. I missed the firecracker, and hoped to see her soon, not that I minded the shy Amara, but the fire in her was what caught my attention in the first place.

Leaving her to bath, I went to my bathroom in my room to shower after taking out some  clothes for here to wear. I didn't even take long to shower, too much in a hurry to make something to eat for us. Wearing a grey sweatpant and a pyjama top I made a few calls to check if my staff would cope without me and then I went to the guest room to ask Amara what she wanted to eat

Opening the door to the guestroom without knocking I finally understood why my mother always sent me back outside after budging in without knocking. There in front of my eyes was Amara in shorts so short they left nothing much to the imagination.

"Don't you knock?!" She asked shocked while hiding her body from me with a gown.

"I'm sorry, I should have knocked. I came to ask you what you wanted to eat." I answered looking the other way so I could give her privacy.

For a few moments she kept quiet and the she said, "you can look now." My sister had a few inches on Amara but slimmer, her knee high gown looked lovely on Amara. It hid what the shorts didn't, but still got to see her beautiful curves and nice legs.

What more could a man ask for?

I cleared my throat, scolding myself for such thoughts, now was definitely not time. I don't even know where we stand after the stunt I pulled at work, I was jealous and saw what I wanted to see. Who's to say Amara feels the same way I do? I mean she could have a boyfriend for all I know!

"Chef Jake, are you alright?" Amara voice pulled me from my thoughts, her hand on my bicep.

Her small innocent touch did things to me I couldn't explain, I shivered and not because it was cold, it was electrifying. No one had ever had such an effect on me, not even the only girl I ever said I loved three years ago. I must have been in my head again because this time she stood in front of me and was holding me with both hands. "You don't seem alright, maybe you are getting a cold."

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