1: Off to Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

'I completely agree with you, education is paramount,' Hermione chimed in, her voice sincere. 'I'm sure your parents are very capable wizards, don't get me wrong, but there is no way you'll have it easier to achieve N.E.W.T. level skills with their help rather than learning from professionals in that field.'

'Yeah, I guess,' Harry conceded, feeling a sense of validation in Hermione's words. 'I just wanted an excuse to come to Hogwarts. Now I need to get good marks, though.'

Hermione immediately offered her support, her expression earnest. 'I'll help you study, don't worry. We can go to the library tomorrow evening.'

Harry shared a worried look with Ron then. He wanted to get good marks for once, but he wasn't about to spend every living hour in the library. He had never studied much and still passed everything. It probably had a lot to do with the fact that his parents wouldn't let him fail, spending as much time as necessary in explanations until Harry got everything, but anyway. If it was normal for Hogwarts students to live in the library, maybe it hadn't been that great of an idea to go there. Luckily for him, Ron seemed just as taken aback by Hermione's willingness to start studying that early in the year as himself.

'What? The year hasn't even started and you already want to go to the library?ʼ Ron looked at her in disbelief 'That must be a record even for you. Harry, don't go with her if you want to have a life. Trust me.'

She looked offended and crossed her arms.

'Honestly, Ronald! You can have a perfectly good life and still study.'

'Yeah, but you overdo it.' Ron too realised he might have said something wrong so he quickly elaborated, trying to make it better 'I mean, it works for you, you're obviously the best at every class, so that's great but I personally couldn't spend that much time studying. My head would explode!'

Hermione still looked pissed off, only a little bit less, so Harry decided to help Ron out before the fight escalated. After all, he had been kind enough to Harry that whole time.

'I think I'd like to go to the library sometime.' He assured Hermione, which gained him a smile 'But not just now. I'll tell you whenever I feel like going, Hermione.'

'Sure, Harry. I'm sure you're a better study partner than Ron here.' She remarked a bit bitterly 'He doesn't ever shut up.'

'I'm great companionship! And I can be quiet too if I want to.'

'If you say so.'

'Yeah, I say so!'

Harry grinned because even if they continued bickering for a really long time, it wasn't ill-meaned at all as he had feared. That was just how they talked to each other and they probably were having fun.

Suddenly, Harry's stomach grumbled loudly, prompting him to voice his hunger. 'When will the lady with the trolley come here? I'm starving,' he exclaimed, a hint of impatience in his tone.

'Don't know. I have some sandwiches here if you want one,' Ron offered, reaching into his bag and pulling out a wrapped bundle.

'Thanks, mate. Appreciate it. But I really want a chocolate frog right now. It's been ages since I last ate one,' Harry replied eagerly, his mouth watering at the thought of the sweet treat.

'She must be about to pass by, but you can go look for her if you're that hungry,' Hermione suggested, her attention still focused on her book.

'Yeah, that's what I'll do. Do any of you want something?' Harry asked as he got up.

Hermione simply shook her head and opened one of the books she had carried with her. Harry didn't understand the title, as it was written in a strange language, but he reckoned it had something to do with runes.

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