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*priest Ruv's POV*

     The streets are dark, as rain and thunder clash together, the only light being the occasional street lamp. I drag myself along the dim streets, looking for somewhere- anywhere- to hide. My mouth is filled with the metallic taste of blood as I am being hunted down by those who know my secret.

     Being immortal as the devil himself, my body can tolerate fatal wounds, but simple colds hit me hard. It's cold and damp out here, and I feel like I'm going to faint, my head swirling. I have to keep going. I have to keep going. I have to keep- I see something. In front of me stands a dated, likely abandoned.

     "Maybe I'll rest here for now...", I think to myself, sitting down, as everything goes black.




     "Damn, looks like you've been out here for quite some time. What business does a priest have doing out here anyway?" I hear someone say, faintly.

     I groggily open my eyes, just to be greeted by a pink woman. Fuck. Though I figured this would be a good place to rest, I never considered that there might be anyone in this old building... I try to say something to the woman, but I'm too weak to even move my mouth, much less think logically, and end up coughing up dark red blood in the place of words.

     "Shit, the rain must be giving you a cold... Let me help you inside.", she says, to which I nod, though I don't trust her completely. Something seems off about her, as if she can see right through me, but is kind regardless...

     The woman helps me up, out of the rain, and into the building. The building, filled with dated furniture, is pink on the inside, and it looks like she's been here for a while. An old scent of dust fills the air, which is to be expected in abandoned structures, but alongside this is the faint scent of flowers, like a sweet breeze.

     "... Is it just you in here?", I manage to ask, while the woman searches around for a First Aid kit.

     "Yeah.", she responds. "I'm... not the most liked. In legal terms. I tend to get into trouble..."

     "Oh...", I respond. Despite what she says, she's treating me with kindness. For someone who's wanted by the police, she doesn't seem to be too cautious with me. If I was a criminal, and she was a nun, I wouldn't immediately trust her. Not that I completely do as things are.

     She helps me sit down on a nearby bench so she can examine my state. First, she takes off my stole, but as she tries to take off my eye-ribbon, I flinch, so she tries to be more careful.

     "Why are you helping me?", I ask the pink woman, as she hands me a spoon with cold medicine. Why would a criminal want to help me? She doesn't even know me...

     "You don't remember?", she says, in a semi-nervous laugh. Remember...?

     "Can you recall how you got your eye-ribbon?", she asks.

     "I... I got it years ago. I don't exactly remember how, but I know I was still a child..."

     "Maybe this will help you remember...", she says with a smile, as she searches around in some old boxes. She pulls out an old notebook, labeled 'Diary', and pulls out a photo.

     "Does this face ring a bell?", she says, as she takes off her ushanka, revealing her long, rose-pink hair, putting my eye-ribbon on like a headband, as she wore it all those years ago.

     "I...S- Sarvente?"

     "Even if you didn't remember our promise, I'm glad that we crossed paths once again, Lucifer Ruvyzvat.", she says, with a now familiar smile.

Together Forever: Roleswap! (Demon Priest Ruv x Criminal Sarv)Where stories live. Discover now