Chapter 29 Raging scene. (violence)

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Natan:..what are you doing here?

Robin:Hm I should be the one asking you that.

*Robin examines natan with a grin on his face*

Robin: I must say you changed a bit did your hair get longer just now?

*Robin was about to touch hes hair but natan slapped hes hand as he distanced any touch he tried to do to him*

Natan:I'm sorry sir but I don't like 'physical' touch from someone like you.

Robin:isn't that too harsh my dear.. why so feisty about it? come on now a pretty omega like you should know how to behave well in front of an alpha.

*Natan got pissed at hes words as he bite his lips as he heard the word omega, but he calm he's self down as he looked at him calmly*

Natan:Just because of being omega doesn't make me any less lower than you.

Robin:I'm afraid what's where you are wrong my dear.

*Natan felt danger as he could see he was trying to use hes pheromones on him, natan bit his lips as he controlled it *

Robin:come on now.. you won't be able to resist it.

*As Robin's face got closer to natan, natan struck a defense and punched him hard on the stomach making Robin suddenly fall onto the ground*

Robin:you b$tch!!!

*Natan kicked his face out of anger before he escaped as he left the bathroom, natan ran and ran as he hid in the garden and hugged his legs he shook from that sudden fear he had inside hes heart as he could remember he passed natan wiped his tears as he stands up he knows well robin would come and find him,
Back to Robin as he was looking for natan he bumped into aamon*

Robin:! ah apology sir for bumping into you, but I am in a hurry

*Robin runs again, aamon just ignored it but he can suddenly smell pheromones from that alpha, an omega's pheromones that he knows well*

Aamon: that...

*Natan trying to calm down as he walked but eventually Robin managed to find him as he grabbed Natan's arm tight"

Natan:let go you sht!!!

Robin:Hah! After what you just did?? I tried being nice and all but you are quite feisty huh??

Natan:who wouldn't from an alpha who has a trash personality like his pheromones???

*Robin was offended as he slapped natan on the face, but natan was able to strike back he hit him on the face with hes forehead as he covered his nose*


Natan:you guessed wrong when you thought my hair was the only thing that changed.

*Natan grins as Robin grabs natan by the color he releases hes pheromones to attract him, natan tries his best to cover and control the scent but a sudden kick appears and Robin is kicked hard on the hip he lands on the ground*

Robin:you dare to!-

*Robin went silent as he saw the man he bumped into just earlier, the one who kicked him*

Aamon:are you alright?

*Natan coughs as he keeps covering hes nose he tries to stay strong, aamon puts hes coat around natan as he checks up on him, he was annoyed when Robin started yelling catching the attention of the people*

Kagura:?? what happened here??

*kagura quickly came to check what had happened*


Robin: one of your guests here tried to seduce me in the bathroom earlier!

*Yuri(Robin's fiance) checked up on Robin as she glared a gaze at the two*

Yuri:you people have no manners and respect!

Hanabi:what's going on here?

*Hanabi was shocked as she saw what commotion was going on, aamon just held natan close but natan spoke up*

Natan:I have never seduced your alpha! your alpha is the one who came onto me and tried to use he's pheromones against me!

*Robin was in a rage as he saw people whispering*

Yuri:that is absurd!! my fiance would never do such a thing!

Aamon:Then maybe you don't know your fiance well madam. it's clear to see where he is resisting your alpha pheromones, and it stinks.

Robin: you bi-

*Before Robin could reply kagura kicked Robin's face hard as she had a raging face*

Kagura:You dare not only try to make a scene at my engagement party but also try to sexually harm my man of honor! you have no shame!!!

*Hanabi calmed kagura down as kagura threw a rage at Robin's face, but Guinevere and gusion were just supporting her instead of stopping her*

Hanabi:that's not helping!!

*natan took a glance as he saw his parents also come to check, aamon could see he natan looked terrified aamon calmed him down as he held him hiding him with hes coat
A few minutes stood by as the fight ended kagura calmed down*

Gusion:I'll handle the talking don't worry brother

Aamon:alright thank you.

Gusion:Get well sir natan.

Natan:thank you.

*Natan nodded as he smiled before aamon escorted him out of the party meantime taking him to his car,
natan sat on the sit as he looked outside of the window he's hands were shaking but then aamon held hes hands*


Aamon:Hey. it's alright. they are kicked out of the party so you won't have to worry.

*Aamon held hes hand gently as natan just gulped as he nodded his head he still felt ashamed of the commotion he had just done at Kagura's engagement party, aamon didn't know what was going on but he just held hes tight since natan needed someone to hold onto since he's afraid"

Aamon:whatever is bothering you. I'm here to help you know that well.

*Natan just nodded his head*

Natan:thank you...

Aamon:if you want I can take you home early

Natan:?. what about.

Aamon:no worries I'll handle it.

Natan:..If you say so.

*Aamon smiled as he stroked his hair he then started the engine and drove natan home to his apartment
it took a while before they arrived aamon even took him to his apartment*

Aamon:rest well alright?

*Before aamon could even go, natan then held onto his shirt behind*

Natan:..!. uh sorry.

*Although every time aamon takes a step away natan keeps grabbing on as it starts to get embarrassing for him"

Aamon:if you wanted me to stay you could just say so

*Aamon grins as natan blushes a bit since he did want him to stay,
at midnight aamon and natan lay down together same bed as natan fell asleep now he was tired from all that anxiety*


*Aamon strokes hes hair again as he suddenly sits on the bed and calls someone on the phone*

Aamon:Yeah I would like you to investigate this person.

?????(call):such as?

Aamon:Robin Smith.. tell me every piece of info he has and he's relationship with natan.

?????(call): on it

*Aamon patted Natan's hand as he wouldn't let go of his arm while he slept*

To be continued..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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