Yandere Superhero (Male Retired Villain Reader)

Start from the beginning

Woman: "Hey it's fine. There's plenty of fish in the sea."

Instead I got angry again.

"Woah Woah! I'm not dating him! He's the last person I want to date!"

I left the park in a furious rage as how could he just stop being my villain?! To vent my anger I went to the bar and drank my sorrows away until my mind was clouded with seeing him beaten to a pulp or just him disappearing. I left when closing happened and was still fuming but drunk which weren't a perfect combination. I noticed a couple of guys following me since what woman stays out late drinking till the next morning.

Male: "Hey rabbit cutie~ you look lost~ why not spend some time with us~"

"Listen you small fry. I'm not having the best of day so I'm warning you if you want to keep your balls intact you stop following me."

Male 2: "Feisty~ what do you say boys maybe she can entertain us for the day~"

I look at them and sigh as one swung his bat towards my body which connected but he wasn't expecting it to splinter into pieces as the rest were all on guard as I had no time for pieces of shit like this.

"Last warning...back the fuck off."

Leader: "Get her!"

'Well looks like I gotta get my hands dirty.'

One charged at me with a knife as I hit it disarming him and breaking his arm seeing him yell and sock him in the face knocking him out as one tried to jump me but I just slammed him down on the concrete and slam my boot on his head hearing a sickening crack but I didn't care.

The next guy who was unfortunate tried to land a knife on me but I deflected and grab his head and bring it down on my knee sending him sprawling on the floor with a bloody nose.

Finally the leader charged at me as I side stepped his attacks and had enough and just punched him in the face and sat on his chest and started punching. Anger swelled up in me with each punch as (Y/n) appeared in my head seeing how each battle I came out on top and how he was beneath my foot. I should've let him at least once!

I came back to reality upon seeing the leaders face caved in and a hole in his face as blood, bone, and brain matter were around the area as I got up and walked away the scene.


I ate some cereal as the news reported on a brutal beating on some gang members that were all found dead early morning with various injuries. The leader had it worse as his head was completely caved in and most of the thugs had died at the hospital.

I had cold dead look in my eyes remembering last night. The restraint I held for civilians was unshackled as I could remember each snap, each sight of blood, and how in each attack I was reminded of him being there. I performed the same attacks on them on him in the past.

Grabbing my jacket I left my home taking the train station checking my phone and seeing little kids run around with bunny ears hoodies. They look at me and point to mine being similar to the hero and asked if I was but I just said I knew her like a friend and gave them a smile. After that little encounter I got out of the train station and entered the nearby apartment complex and knock on a certain door.

??: "Coming."

The door opened to reveal my old nemesis in his butterfly pajamas and long sleeve shirt.

(Y/n): "Ah. Mirko. Let me guess. You came here for an inspection of my place to see if I cooked up a scheme."

"N-No...I came because...I came because I wanted to apologize to you..."

Yandere Various Version.2Where stories live. Discover now