Yandere Stalker (Male Amnesiac Reader)

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I had like 13 ideas from my time working

Inside the hospital was a relatively calm day with snow outside and patients coming and going while in one of the rooms a teen with (h/c) hair was sleeping with a couple of bandages around his waist head as nurses gave him a new iv bag.

The nurse saw something shocking. His fingers were twitching and immediately ran out to get a doctor. A doctor ran back in to see the signs.

(Y/n) POV

I open my eyes to be met with a bright light and dull throbbing sensation in my head.

"Where....am I?"

Doctor: "Easy there. You were in a medically induced coma. You've been out for 3 months. Your fine now."

"3 months.....uh can you tell me where I am exactly like city?"

Doctor: "You don't remember? Do you know who you are?"

"Yeah I'm uh....(Y/n)....(L/n)....right?"

Nurse: "The brain injury seems to have given him amnesia. Unknown if he'll ever recover those memories."

I looked at the doctors as they discussed things more privately as I laid back and sighed as everything was hazy and fuzzy like pure static. I could only remember bits and pieces of my past. My birthday, family, friends, and my favorite food is what I could recall but other then that I couldn't remember anything else.

Doctor: "Well we'll have to perform a few tests on you to see if you can be fully cleared. So we called your girlfriend."

"I have a girlfriend?"

Nurse: "Mhm. She came by every Friday to see you. Don't worry she seemed like a good girl."

Before they could leave I call out to the doctor as she popped her head back in with a clipboard under her arm knowing she has other patients to see so I just asked a quick question

"Uh why am I here again?"

Doctor: "(Y/n) right? Let's see....ah here we go....stabbed in the back a couple of times and suffered a head injury albeit not serious the knife was the real problem as it did hit some vital points but other then those injuries you should be good to go. Just lay off any exercise. Get some rest."

I lay back as the lights are turned off and rub my arm, trying to remember what exactly happened was still difficult.

Next day

I did some physical testing as such as walking, writing, thinking, and even some light exercises which I found slightly difficult because of me trying to bend found my back aching. But overall my physical performance hadn't deteriorated but I would need to do some more exercises.

Doctor: "Well your evaluation came up perfect. You'll just need to do some light exercises so you don't strain yourself. Well I think your girlfriend is here and would very much like to see you."

I sat in the room with my gown on and soon heard steps coming down the hallway. Hearing a soft female voice talking with the doctor she walked in as my heart fluttered a bit when I saw the girl.

 Hearing a soft female voice talking with the doctor she walked in as my heart fluttered a bit when I saw the girl

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Yandere Various Version.2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora