Chapter 2.

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Classes went by as they usually did, but to Barty it felt as each and every one of them had gotten longer.

Throughout the week, Evan's behaviour remained as it did on the train. Silent and distracted. Even when Snape tried to convince him to be friends and even when Sirius tried to get a rise out of him. Nothing but silence or half hearted 'what''s.

This worried Barty to much extent. Since their first meeting, Barty had seen Evan as the proud type, someone who was not one to back down from anything. It was like he was a completely different person.

Once Transfiguration class was dismissed, Barty eagerly packed up his belongings and strolled over to Evan's desk. The blonde boy didn't seem to have noticed that the rest of the class were beginning to leave as he didn't make any attempt to stand up.

"Ev. Hellooo?" Barty smiled, elogonating the 'o' sound of his hello. It was something he did often without realising it, but he sometimes found it fun to prolong the vowels of his words.

Evan looked up at him with tired eyes. They were alone in the classroom, and Barty felt it was a good time to talk to his friend.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly. He didn't want to dive in feet first with a straightforward question right away. It was best to start simple, and get Evan talking first.

"Mmh." Evan replied, resting his head in his hand, which was propped up on his desk. He was clearly not in a rush to leave.

Barty's eyes softened. "Ev, please. Can I atleast hear you say it? I want to hear your voice."

Evan sighed. "I'm fine, Barty. There's nothing to worry about." He muttered, sitting up straight. His voice was hoarse and sounded pained.

He began to stack his books into a neat pile, seeming desperate to get away from the conversation. Barty placed his hand on Evan's, to stop him from moving.

"Evan, how can I not be worried? I know there is something wrong. Please, just tell me. I can help!" He pleaded.

Evan looked fit to cry. "I... I can't. I'm sorry." He whispered, sliding his hand out from underneath Barty's. He picked up the neat pile of books he had made and walked out of the classroom.

Barty looked after his friend, watching him leave through the door without as much as a glance back.

'So there is something wrong.' Barty thought to himself as he slowly walked after Evan.

He caught up with Evan on the stairs to the Grand Hall. He placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, to which Evan flinched.

"Hey." He said simply, removing his hand as they came to a doorway. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to force you like that."

Evan smiled weakly, making eye contact with Barty, for the first time since the train.

Barty smiled back, but quickly returned to a stone expression. "But seriously, if you ever feel comfortable enough to share whatever's bothering you, please come to me. I'm here."

A boy with a mischievous smirk strutted towards them at the entrance to the Grand Hall.

"Oh for fuck sake." Barty muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Well, well, if it isn't Rosier and Crouch." Sirius smiled falsely, bending ever so slightly as he talked to Evan, despite the latter being taller than him.

"What do you want, Black?" Barty snapped, leaning on Evan's shoulder.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "I'm not talking to you, am I? I'm talking to my dear cousin. Say Rosier, you get the mark yet? We know what your family are like."

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