"It's Just Your Dear Mother"

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Content Warning: Disturbing content, mentions of S/H and suicide.

The young life of the Princess of Hell was one filled with fantasy and imagination. Her still developing mind sought to explore every inch of the world around her, starting with the very Castle she resided in for centuries. Every day was spent exploring the interior with her father, Lucifer Morningstar, and her mother, Lilith Morningstar; King and Queen of Hell yet despite everything, the fame and the power, Little Charlotte didn't know any of them that well. What little she understood of them stemmed from the Story of Hell, a book she had read just before bed at the end of every year. The reason why he had reserved this story for such a specific date was never clear to her, but that impressionable young mind soaked every word into her brain like a sponge.

She saw her father as a dreamer, with wild and fantastical ideas for the world she was raised in. But not once was she ever given the chance to see them, Lucifer had long since lost the will to dream at this point. And instead, his willpower to shape the world was carried on by his wife, Lilith, who's song uplifted all of Demonkind; Shaping carving into the ground a civilization they ruled over as Sins of Pride. Charlotte wanted to see this civilization one day, but her mother always said no, stating she was much too young for the City. Instead, she had been taken to what remained of Lucifer's attempt at the betterment of Sinners and a humane solution to the Exterminations. A massive theme park known as LuLu world, ensured by the Queen herself that no danger would befall anyone on royal grounds.

She had the life every child dreamed of. One shielded from the harsh realities of the world outside, guided every single day in preparation to eventually face that world on her own. When she was old enough, that is. When Charlotte was between 5-7, she wanted to take the first steps towards independence and start sleeping in her own bedroom. The parents were both proud, but worried about her choices. That was a pretty big step to take for someone her age, but again, she insisted strongly. Her parents couldn't deny her request any longer, taking their little Devil to a room just across the Hall from their own. It is here where she was given full creative liberty for designing her bedroom, for the most part.

They were more than happy to spoil their daughter, but who would construct an entire amusement park inside their bedroom? It had been finished in the span of a week, giving Charlotte the opportunity to spend her first night in this new room and see how it felt. But of course, despite all her statements that she could handle this, the little Princess couldn't sleep without a little light besides her bed. That one addition was all she needed to sleep comfortably, finally leaving her Parents in private every single night after 5 years of her livid in their room. Although, with each passing week spent sleeping by herself, Charlotte began to notice something amiss in the Bedroom each night.

In the dead of night, she'd be awoken by a noise. A brief creaking from the door, situated on the other side of her room. The door and the Bed had been positioned in such a way that their Daughter could always see who's there, just the same for anyone wanting to enter the room. Charlotte simply stared at the door, wondering if someone was going to enter. Initially, she'd just get out of bed and close it back, walking right back to bed and watching to see if it'd open again. And it didn't, leading the little Princess to just assume this was just the door doing that on its own. If she could fix it by herself, her dad didn't need to worry about it. That's what her little mind thought, following through with that same statement on every aspect of her life.

Later down the line, Charlotte would be awoken to a slightly longer creaking. Accompanying it was the door being cracked visibly wider, beginning to make her think the cause of it wasn't the door being loose. The thought of that chilled the little Princess to her core, pulling the blanket slightly over herself as a means of hiding/protecting herself. A shaky and trembling voice would escape her, questioning who's there. Maybe it was just her parents checking in on her late at night? She'd wait several seconds, getting no response from whoever... or whatever had been at her door. Her eyes peeked in its direction from beneath the covers, often only falling asleep whenever she physically couldn't stay awake any longer.

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