Epilogue - I'm in love with a campfire

Start from the beginning

Yes, she ate it while he was sleeping. She didn't think he'd notice.

"You liar," he said, chuckling. "I can taste it, Luna."

She pouted then. "How am I supposed to resist? It was sitting on your nightstand, and you were sleeping. It was the perfect time."

He just chuckled. "You little thief." And he pressed their lips together again, making her give into him as she tipped her head to the side, letting him in.

Elijah lightly caught her hips, bringing her closer.

She moaned a little.

He pulled away then. "You know what thieves get?"

She blinked.

He suddenly threw her over his shoulder, making her squeal when he carried her over to the living room.

She lightly kicked, head dangling off his back as she pounded his shoulder-blades.

"Lijah mean! Put me down! Down!"

He just threw her onto the couch, and she squeaked, bouncing on the sofa.

He just gestured for her to get up, and she gave him an annoyed look, slipping off the cushion.

But he just collapsed down onto the sofa, catching her arm and pulling her down with him.

She yelped and fell onto his lap, gazing up seconds later to find him smirking.

"Lijah mean." She crossed her arms over her chest, pouting.

He smirked a little. "Does someone need snuggles?"

She sniffed. "I mean... it might help if—ah!"

He fell backward, pulling her with him as they now collapsed on the couch.

Luna lightly punched his chest. "Don't be mean!"

He chuckled and pulled the throw blanket from the armrest.

As she gently fought him, he draped the blanket over her, and she froze.

He just smirked and wrapped an arm around her, gently starting to rub her back.

Luna gazed lazily at his chest, blinking slowly.

"Change your mind?" he questioned.

She just relaxed into him. "Five more minutes."

He chuckled. "Why didn't you ask for this last night?"

"You wouldn't let me last night," she replied.

He blinked.

Oh, right... they had sex like... five times, and he fell asleep before they could snuggle.

"You know you can snuggle with me while I'm sleeping," he replied.

She just remained in place. "I don't want to disturb Lijah. He always looks so peaceful."

"Yes," he replied, rolling his eyes, "because dreaming about penguins is peaceful."

She giggled then. "Really? Penguins?"

He just patted her head lightly. "Don't judge me."

"What if I wanna?" she countered.

He just gave her a look. "Then you don't get snuggles."

She was silent then. "Uhm... fine, I won't. I want snuggles."

He chuckled a little and set his head on hers, lightly rubbing her back. "Luna, you know I love you, right?"

"I wuv you, too..." she replied softly. "And your pine soap."

He just smiled. "Using my body-wash again?"

She whistled the Old-Spice theme.

He chuckled. "That was perfect timing."

"I knows," she said. "That's why I dids it."

He just shook his head and kept rubbing her back. "Five more minutes, okay? Then we have to go grocery shop."

She made an impatient sound. "That's lame. Let's snuggle all day."

He just shook his head. "We need to grocery shop, Luna."

"We need to snuggle more," she argued, making him give her an amused look. "Do not deny that need. Remember the basic needs? Air, food, water, and snuggles."

"You forgot shelter," he replied.

"Who need shelter when you have Lijah?" she replied. "He is my campfire."

"I'm glad that's how you see me," he replied honestly.

"I'm in love with a campfire," she said then.

He chuckled a little.

She just buried her face in his neck. "I serious now... can you hold me tighter...?"

He just smiled and listened, tightening his arms around her so she was pressed to him, and he sighed softly, rocking her a little.

"Thank you, Lijah," she said.

He shook his head. "No need to thank me, okay?"


They were silent for a moment. "I know grocery shopping is boring for you," he said then. "But what if we did a little robbing?"

Her head shot up in excitement.

He chuckled. "There it is."

She watched him with hopeful eyes. "Really?"

"Yes," he replied, "really."

"Can I have your gun?" she said excitedly.

He gave her a look. "No, I don't trust you with that thing."

She stuck her lip out in a pout.

"You know why, Luna," he replied. "The point of the gun is to scare them, okay? Last time we went to a fast food shop, you shot everyone in the building."

"It's fun!" she replied.

"You're trigger-happy," he replied, petting her head as she gave him an annoyed look. "But... I might have a dagger that needs a master."

Her eyes grew in excitement. "Really?"

He chuckled. "Really."

She set her head back on her chest. "Fine, but we snuggle for ten more minutes."

He chuckled, holding her to him. "Ten more minutes, alright."

She just closed her eyes tightly.

My Lijah... all mine.

No master... Master gone.

"Yes," Elijah whispered, clearly reading her mind, "he's gone. And I'm yours, all yours."

"And I'm yours, too," she said to him. "I belong to Lijah and Lijah belongs to me."

They said that opposites attract, but what about this circumstance?

Where a psychopath wanted to fall in love, but no one agreed with his ways...

Until he met another psychopath.

I am yours, and you are mine.

Elijah Lapsus fell in love with a girl just like him...

And he would never let her go.

Ever again.

The End.

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