Chapter 34 | A grave mistake, literally.

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Previously on When The Devil Falls -
Harry burst into tears once again at the prospect of his godparents offering to take the Dark Mark to keep him safe - this time they were happy tears though. It meant the whole world to him. Remus and Sirius were the only parental figures he had in his life. Their approval felt like his own parents approved of his happiness and cared for his safety even though it was with a man they fought against. They were a family bound not by blood, but by love and loyalty, willing to do whatever it took to keep each other safe.

Sirius enveloped Harry in a tight bear hug, his warmth and affection a comforting embrace. With a tender kiss to Remus, he bid farewell and Disapparated, returning to the Black Manor to make arrangements for his stay there instead of Grimmauld Place with the Order. As for Dumbledore's flaming chickens, he had a wonderful plan for them, one that involved them getting evicted from a house that did not belong to any of them.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group left Remus's room, happy. Remus took his place at the teacher's table in the Great Hall, while Draco, Harry, Blaise, and Theo settled comfortably at the Slytherin table, surrounded by their fellow housemates.

As they enjoyed their breakfast, the peaceful atmosphere was interrupted by the arrival of an Augurey, its elegant wings gliding gracefully as it landed in front of Draco. All eyes turned to the blonde Slytherin as he approached the majestic bird, recognizing that the small box tied to its leg was meant for him.

With careful fingers, Draco unhooked the box from the Augurey's claws, watching as it flew away with a cheerful chirp which was quite unusual for a bird that was a symbol of death. He enlarged the box to its original size and opened it, revealing a note nestled inside.

A shy smile played across Draco's lips as he read the message, his heart swelling with warmth and affection

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A shy smile played across Draco's lips as he read the message, his heart swelling with warmth and affection. The note held words of love and longing, a reminder of the deep connection he shared with someone special. As he tucked the note away, Draco's gaze went to the contents inside the box. A necklace and not just any necklace. The Slytherin Locket that once held a part of his mate's soul. Draco was overwhelmed by such an intimate gesture. Opening the locket, Draco found that there were runes carved into the metal. 

ᚷᚱᚨᚾᛏ ᛗᛁ ᛚᛟᚢᛖ ᛈᚱᛟᛏᛖᚲᛏᛟᚾ

Grant my love protection

Draco's eyes dampened. Marvolo had carved the runes into the metal for him. Not only that but it also smelt like him. The Dark Lord must've sprayed the necklace with his cologne. The box also held flowers - Lillies, Gardenias, Narcissas, Snapdragons and Hydrangeas.

Whispers spread like wildfire through the Great Hall, and the revelation of Draco Malfoy having a secret lover ignited a flurry of speculation and gossip among the students. The House tables buzzed with intrigue, while curious glances and hushed conversations darted across the room.

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