"One might mistake you for a lawyer with your eloquent responses," I murmured, acknowledging his articulate manner.

He responded with a gentle smile.

With the job and the shipping discussion concluded, I was faced with the daunting task of addressing the Sana situation. How should I even begin? 'Hey, Kabir, miss your sister?' Yeah, definitely not the smoothest approach. I'd probably get a swift kick for that.

I glanced at him, noticing his gaze wandering around the living room. "There's not much to see," I remarked, attempting to lighten the mood and ease the tension.

"My place is likely messier," he admitted with a casual shrug. "So, is that all?" He began to rise from his seat, signaling the end of our conversation.

I blurted out, "Actually, there's more. I want us to be friends."

He regarded me with a quizzical look. "Really?" he questioned.

"Yeah, absolutely," I confirmed, feeling the weight of my words. "I mean, why wouldn't I? You're just so chill and easygoing. The first time we met, I felt this

sense of comfort around you. You're a great listener," I added, my hands fidgeting nervously.

His gaze turned dark as he fixed it on me.

"What?" I stammered, taken aback by his sudden change in demeanor.

"You don't have to lie to me," he asserted.

"I'm not lying," I insisted, feeling defensive.

"You rub your hands when you're nervous," he pointed out matter-of-factly.

I was stunned. "How did you even notice that?" I exclaimed.

"I'm pretty observant," he replied with a casual shrug.

I chuckled, "Well, you caught me." Taking a deep breath, I continued, "Actually, I'm on a mission to befriend famous people from all walks of life. I've got an influencer buddy, an actor pal, a model friend, and now I need a sports buddy to complete the set, you know?"

He arched an eyebrow at me, his expression curious. "Do you see yourself as Ash Ketchum or something?"

"Hey, why not?" I replied with a grin. "But if we're going with that analogy, you'd make a great Pikachu."

"Pikachu, that yellow rat?" he mused, intrigued.

"Yeah," I said, nodding. "At first, Pikachu and Ash didn't hit it off, but eventually, they understood each other and became inseparable."

He asked, his voice softer than before, "Do you think we're gonna be like that someday?"

"Probably even better," I replied, flashing him a confident grin.

A light blush spread across his cheeks as he shifted his gaze downward. "You really have no idea what you're saying, do you?" he murmured.

I tilted my head in confusion at his sudden change in demeanor.

"Nothing," he quickly brushed it off, pulling out his phone. "Give me your contact number."

I couldn't help but feel a surge of hope as I asked, "So, friends?"

"Sure," he replied with a hint of warmth, and as I recited my number, I caught a glimpse of him saving me in his contacts as "Ash Ketchum."

As I relaxed against the sofa, my gaze softened as it settled on him. Despite everything, he wasn't all that bad, you know. Not someone you could truly despise. Especially now that I've learned about the hardships he's faced, like being a survivor of childhood rape, I felt a strong urge to protect this guy.

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