Chapter 6

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Hello everyone~


Author pov

Today is Gorya's first day attending her classes. She was initially a bit nervous who wouldn't be ?? It's literally the first day !!! She doesn't know anyone here !! I'd freak out, she's brave for keeping herself calm... So, as mentioned in the last chapter, she made a friend Aom.

Again time skip~

It's been three weeks since she started her classes. She and Aom became friends cause Aom took her number that day, she found out Aom was selected through scholarship just like her, but they decided to decline her at the last moment, so she went to school and she'll be continuing from there only. Aom reassured Gorya that she'll visit her once every month or week, so Gorya won't feel distant.

So back to story~

Gorya: It's Tuesday's bad day again...I'll have to stay back again...

Gorya: What a drag....
Mumbling under her breath angrily.

Random girl: Hey Gorya, can we sit with you ??

Gorya: I'm all alone here, sure do.

Random girl: Thanks. Do you know anything about this topic teacher taught last week ??
Bringing out a textbook.

Gorya: Yeah....
Beginning to explain.

[[I suck in studies guys. I can't write anything about this. She's the one who's genius, not me. Work your brains.

Gorya: Leave from here and continue the story, gal. Where's your professionalism ??

Author: Give me a break already !! 😭😭

Gorya: Get out. Shoo shoo !!!

Author: Meanie brat...]]

So she gave some free lessons to those girls, and they left her alone. I mean they didn't leave the seat, they just silently did their work beside Gorya.

That's mostly what she did during the first two months in high school. She didn't knew much about her surroundings in there. Most of the time, she has her headphones on (like me 😎) and others don't care much about her, cause they are rich brats.

That's how she spends her days in high school. Poor fella, can't even make friends. Well back to story.

She was in her own world, looking through her notes when someone tapped her shoulder...


Guess who that person is~
Hope you liked it.
If you find any mistakes, feel free to point it out for me.
Thank you~

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