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She couldn't sleep that night. Her face pressed up onto her pillow in an attempt to greet sleep, she was exhausted but couldn't shut her eyes. So she cried. Cried until her eyes were red raw. Eventually, these tears dried as she drifted off.

The computer lights threatened to consume the girl, who was vigorously tapping away at her keyboard. She groaned in frustration. She was too late. She saw everything, yet, failed to see the misery engraved into their faces. The other boys would be heartbroken. Just the same as she was.

He was gone.

Thomas ran towards the girl he cared about deeply. Caressing her face to try and slow the tears. "It's okay." He recited the phrase like a prayer. He was worried about her, his muscles tensed before relaxing when she shoved her head into the crook of his neck. This made him feel more guilty for what he was going to do. He saw what they were doing to those kids, and to their families. The pain, the torture.

The forgetfulness.

The way she trusted him to keep her safe crumbled the boy. The safety was false, though his heart said otherwise. He predicted the jump, in fact, he saw it. But he also saw the broken look on her face as she moved the beetle blade closer to 'the glue'. The five stages of grief flickered through her eyes in seconds, until she settled on sadness and heartbreak.

Her head flew up from her pillow as she panted. The betrayal of the boy in her dream felt so real. What made her confused was that she could recognise the boy. The shaggy dark hair, to the bridge of his nose, to his plump lips. His eyes as they met hers, just felt so real.

Maybe it was.

She shook her head. No, they're just maybes. She would've remembered anyway, wouldn't she? Sighing, she pulled her attention away from her thoughts and to her ceiling. The wood weaved into one another, tied with cleat hitches. The smell of wet cloth and blood flooded to her nose. She looked out of the window to see the sun had risen just above the walls.

It was gorgeous. The way the sunlight flowed against the grass, the way the walls seem so innocent in the midst of the turmoil of emotions she was feeling.

She decided to get up, knowing if she didn't someone would come looking for her. It was nearly ten o'clock in the morning and Alby said to meet him at homestead at eleven. 

So she got ready before setting off to find Chuck.

Chuck was lent up against a tree, wiping the sweat of his brow as he lugged bags of clothes around the glade. He looked to his right to see Newt, whom he hadn't seen since before the new greenie arrived.

"Hey Newt." He greeted with a warm smile.

"Hey Chuck." The blonde boy answered, returning a smile of his own. "I heard about the greenie." The twelve year old just nodded. "Yeah, she's a she."

The blonde smiled, but he quickly returned to his thoughts. Why was there a girl glader now? Why did they send her? Was she important? What was with his dream last night? Who was the boy and girl? 

These thoughts swirled inside his head, curiosity getting the better of him, until he had to shake them off as Alby called his name.

"Okay then, uh, I'll be off. Bye Chuck."


The blonde limped away, something Chuck had questioned but postponed because of the look of suffering that crossed the faces of the gladers whenever he asked. To pass time, Chuck went to talk to the greenie, who he found resting against a tree. He could see her exhausted frame which made him wonder what she was up too.

"You good?" He asked, while moving to sit next to her.


"Why not?"

"I've spent at least fifteen minutes looking for you."


She stared at him, hoping he'd stop talking so she could get her breath back.

"I came looking for you because I don't know where to meet Alby."

He nodded in realisation. 

"C'mon I'll show you." He said, holding his hand out for her to take.

She pulled herself up and dusted her pants off, before following Chuck towards a large, crooked tower made of wood and rope.

The wind in her hair calmed her down. She was excited to finally get her questions answered but was still scared of the knowledge the others may hold. For example, what if they'd figured out that there was nothing outside the walls? Or that the maze was endless? There was no exit? No hope?

She told herself to calm down before she started hyperventilating. So, she took Chuck's hand, grasping it in her own.

The blonde boy, Newt, walked towards them with a basket full of, what looks like, blankets.

"Alby said to give it to you." His thick British accent laced his words. "Thought it'll be best to make it more homely in the med hut. It just smells like blood and bleach in there." He chuckled.

"Anyways, here you go." He said passing her the basket.

"Thanks-?" She looked at him expectantly.

"It's Newt."

"Ah. Well it's nice to meet you. Newt." She smiled warmly at him.

"Nice to meet you too." He looked at her before remembering his jobs. "But I've really got to get going. Those tomatoes aren't going to de-weed themselves."

He waved at the two before heading off.

"He seems nice."

"Obviously, it's Newt." Chuck scoffed.

She glared at the boy because of the snarky comment.

"Right lets take these to the med hut then? Hmm?" He replied awkwardly, avoiding her gaze.

She laughed before leaving with Chuck.

Alby watched from a distance at the greenie's interactions.

"She seems nice." The blonde spoke up.

The older boy's eyes narrowed. "Still don't trust her."

"Alby, you don't trust most people."

"Just think about it Newt. Everything was fine. We started finding letters in the maze. Then, all of a sudden, a girl, a shucking girl, comes up from the box. That's got to mean something."

"We'll monitor her behaviour. Hell! We'll put her in the slammer if we have to. But, we can't make assumptions."

"Fine." The boy sighed in defeat, before walking off.

The blonde's mind flew at the different possibilities of the appearance of the girl. Maybe she's going to help. Maybe she's there to ruin it.

But again, they're all maybes.


First of all, yes Thomas liked her before the maze but they're just going to be friends when Thomas enters the maze. Don't worry.

Secondly, I'm thinking about changing her name. Maybe I should just start again? 

No, I'm too lazy.

Now all I need are names so please comment ideas then I'll decide the one I like the most.

Comment name ideas please.


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