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Luna pov

I couldn't bear what haru was going through. I was watching her all night, seeing she couldn't sleep. She was just moving here and there. It was be really hard for her. Her future depends on it and moreover they can't lose their relationship like mine. I want their fate to be different. Though time was against it. But I felt that it is a right time. Right time to open the box which life gave me. I opened the box. I didn't opened it for any vengeance, I just opened it for peace.  I hope the outcome would be fruitful. I can't let her cry and scared like that. Let me try to change fate for once. I wish God won't punish her for the sin she never committed.
Haru pov

Next morning

I wasn't able to sleep yesterday but somehow I grabbed some strength and woke up. I was shattered by the thought he might be so powerful and I cannot win against him.
I wish there would any way to just move out of this situation.
I was praying that everything would be alright.
I opened the door to pick the newspaper but my eyes widened when I saw Kate lying on the floor. For a second, I couldn't breath. I got in my senses and checked him. I kept on shouting and shouting. So he could response to my word. He wasn't responding. I harden my grip around his shirt. I was holding my tears. His wet shirt was cold and this was numbing my heart. My hands were shaking and I closed my eyes. I lifted his face. He sneezed and suddenly my whole body relaxed. The accumulated anxiety, silently settled. I cleared my face . I smiled. That dumbass, got me worried for nothing. I tried to grab him so I could take him to my room. One of my neighbour noticed. His reaction was like I was disposing some body.
" Can you help me?? He is my boyfriend. We had some fight yesterday and now I am seeing him like that."
" Ohh!! I had seen him in midnight when it was raining, I hope he would be okay. It was raining heavily."
" Thank you for informing me. I would take care of it afterwards. This won't happen it again."
He helped me to drag that kilo of hippo in my bed. I exhaled deep breath and immediately checked his temperature. He was burning and sweating.He caught fever due to the rain. I called the doctor. Till doctor come, I was putting wet and cold cloth on his forehead to lower his temperature. On the other side, I was removing excessive sweat from his body. After some time, he attended him. I paid him and then waved him bye. Few minutes later, he came to  his senses. He was staring at me. I gave him  medicines and went back to my daily chores. I made him some porridge and fed him. In all between that, I was worried about yesterday incident. He smiled while I was feeding him. One of my strand came out, he fixed it so it won't disturb me. He was still hot.
" Didn't you have a college today??"
" Then who would have take care of you, because you are incapable of doing by yourself. "
" Peanut, I am feeling quite hot, where is  bathroom. I wanted to clean myself."
" Why did you waited whole night?? Don't you have a home. Your home looks quite decent but you still wanna come in some old apartment, drenching yourself whole night. How stupid you are?? Every neighbour arround me is side eyeing."
" I totally understand, but you didn't let me in. I wasn't finish talking. Is something bothering you??"
It wasn't difficult to understand. My panic action, my dark circle, my breaking voice was saying everything. I looked at his eyes and was just hopeless and speechless. I just replied nothing. My tiring face was just wondering and figuring things. I picked up the plate and immediately went to kitchen.
My phone began to buzz. I picked up the call.
" Hello mam, you reported cyber security police. We have recieved your reports and we took action regarding it. All your personal photos are now have been deleted. And it was  n't a cleared number. But we are tracking it, will soon update when we get any further information. Have a good day."
" Thank you, thank you and thank you. " I began to cry but not out of pain but out of happiness. Soon the stretched face can relax. This helped me bring my energy back. I thought my world was collapsing but thanks to God, now I can relax and some peace of mind.
I smiled and this smile was real, it brought old haru back. I went to attend Kate and smiled thoroughly. Now he didn't have to see my long face. I hugged him so hard.
He pushed me away.
" First let me have a bath."
" Did you bring your clothes?? "
" No, I can wear yours. Will you mind it??"
I laughed.
" Will they fit??"
" I will manage.  I  already have a experience.Let me borrow."
I searched the most longest gown I could find.
He changed, and he was looking like a clown. I laughed so hard. The shoulders and sleeves were hugging him tight while cloth just end after knees. The red velvet suited him quite well. It seems like he was wearing a nightie. He was acting like one. Posing himself like a sexy lady.
" How do I look??"
"My baby girl."
"So where are you gonna sleep??
" Where?? With you. Why to ask?? Can't you control yourself?"
" You bet??"
And that night, we slept and cuddle with each other without exceeding the limits. Just a sweet sleep with a love one. Which I obviously need after that panic attack.

Love you<3. We are almost done. Just few chapters

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