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Topics of christianity and sin will be discussed, as that is part of Y/n's backstory. For the sake of controversy and context; nothing here described is at all aligned with the bible or anti-christian themes. It's purely to give Y/n a decent backstory.

There is no complete necessity to read this chapter, unless you want to be confused for the rest of the fucking book and series. (CONFIRMED SERIES??)

Please read it and don't skip it like I do sometimes.
(You're so real if you do that. Because me too.)

So there's no confusion. Thank you for reading. :)

Y/n blinked, feeling herself as a small girl. Looking down, feeling herself fall. Almost 50 meters above the ground, falling at a constance fast pace. Face planting in a seemingly empty field with no physical harm noticeable.

Rubbing her head, she pushed herself up. After checking herself for bodily injuries, not noticing on her arms or shirt. Just a couple scrapes that seemed to already be healing on their own. Going to sit up, she sat on the backs of her own wings. Yelping in pain as connection tissue of her base and wings hurt of a stinging sensation. Moving to sit on the back of her feet; specifically her ankles. Her knees burying in the soft grass. The local town seeing the explosion.

Lorelai Hanazaika, motioned the others, pointing at the young girl. The young lady gasping at the sight of the child. Her abnormal ghostly white hair, and red eyes staring into the girls ordinary brown eyes. "Come-" She smiled softly, extending her hand to the small girl. Trying her best to ignore her abnormal traits, especially those six wings of hers.

"How old are you dear?" She asked, as the girl took her hand. Gripping tightly, not knowing her strength. Afraid to let go and be cast out of another family. Those eyes so red, yet full of pure heartiness.

"Four." She muttered, biting on her thumbs fingernail. Her anxiety getting the best of her, even at this young age.

The rest of the town had watched her. Gasping at the sight of the strange girl. Her "hideous" appearance taking them aback. Lorelai, the towns mayor stared at them. "We welcome anyone," she spat at them. "No matter their character."

Much to the towns dismay of fire and pitchforks, she took her in. Giving Y/n a nice bath, realizing the girl could hide her wings. Pulling them into herself, almost like energy was causing the manifestation of them. Nobody had ever seen it before. Something this dangerous and potentially lethal to the world itself.

Sure curses existed. But you never lived long enough to tell someone about it. Every visit to the gravesite, caused more deaths. The town in of itself started to become a breeding ground for curses. Little Y/n watched them as small not even graded curses latched onto people. Causing slow agonizing deaths for people, just blamed of illness with an immune disorder. Over courses of 50+ years.

There was only about less than a hundred of people left. Slowly dying from oncoming curses they weren't even aware of. Not until it was too late. A King of Curses constantly sending forces to keep the village weak before they could feel a slight uprise in their egos. Not that the King thought he had to worry, he just loved the feeling of control.

But Y/n was just a child. One of the Seraphim class. Sent to oversee Earth's progress in society. She was too naive to understand or make use of her responsibilities. Being just born and tossed into a society full of people who's only duty is to protect ungrateful people: it's hard to imagine it.

Her wings never faded from white, she had never fallen. She just flew too close to the ground. But in the case of reliving a memory, she was instead falling. She wouldn't lose any of her powers she was gifted with. But she would lose any memory she once had with her brothers and sisters. Earth, her new place.

"Little one, what's your name?" Lorelai smiled, dumping water on her head, being sure to cover her eyes of any soapy water that might sting her. "Y/n." She coughed out, after opening her mouth as water was poured on her. "Well. Y/n, as you don't seem to have a last name, or don't remember.. You'll be Y/n Hanazaika." She smiled warmly, bathing the rest of the dirt out of her hair. She had taken quite a tumble from that fall out of the sky. But no blood, just dirt. Lorelai put pajamas that she no longer fit, outside of the robes she landed in. Smiling, like she was her own daughter.

Feeding her just the scraps she had, as she hadn't been to the market. Too busy dealing with affairs of her people. She gave Y/n toast with bread, and a bit of rice. Unflavored but filling to the young girl. It wasn't what she had been eating in the high heavens. But it would do.

The same night, the King of Curses had noticed a shift in the world. It was off-balance. He wasn't the strongest anymore. Not to overthrow all of humanity that quickly. He could feel a powerhouse manifesting. His highness could sense her cursed energy, wanting to investigate it.

He lurked in the shadows, as the young girl laid in the twin bed provided by Lorelai. He watched as the young girl shifted, clearly dreaming of something she hadn't planned on.

Tears pricked the corners of her eyes in her sleep, feeling the pain she had once felt.

The dream starts here. :)

"Y/n." The highest seraphim, Viola whispered to her. "It's time for your mission." She smiled, gently shaking the girl awake. "Should you fail. You'll be cast out." From her bedroom, Violet led her to the gates. Showing and respecting the gods above, and the people of Heaven who had earned their place aside the Heaven-Born. Y/n, being one of them. "You are only to document, and share with us how humanity and society has grown. No interfering." She told the young girl, pretty clear on rules.

And yet, she had still failed. Only being tasked with watching from above and not to meddle with the people. She instead blessed their crops and gave them youth. Those who were old and dying, not feeling their age; and had mountains of energy. She was too kind for them.

Violet feeling too bad for her, knew the rest of the council would see her unfit for a Seraphim. She cast her out herself, leaving her with her spirituality and Deity as a Seraphim. Translating it to Cursed Energy. So she would keep her flow, without having a target on her back. In other words, preventing her being fallen.

"I can't bare to see you fall. Y/n. Not like him, not like them. Just you. You're too sweet, kind, and naive for a job this heavy."

Violet stripped her of her memories, shutting her out of any chances of Heaven. And led her down to Earth. Where she had them plummeted to the village she was once tasked to manage, outside of affairs.

Dream ends here. :)
Short and simple.

Sukuna was too loud watching, as his nail pushed on the glass unknowingly. Causing a howling pain to course through the room Y/n slept in. Waking her from her dream. Her head flipped up, looking for the source, on instinct and fear. Her two red eyes, met his four. As Sukuna didn't want to be caught yet, he unleashed thousands of grade two curses. All at the disposable use of their lords wishes. As he warped, he hoped the powerhouse of the girl would be removed at once. His plan to remove her and the village with it, wanting to clear any potential problems that may come out of it.

But he was far from ready to go against her. Even as a child, she would beat him.

As the thousands gathered into the village destroying any material and killing anyone in their way, many were lost. Pillaging and plundering anything, burning it if it wasn't possible to destroy with bare hands.

That night,

Lorelai was lost.

But Y/n had found herself in the midst of the Chaos. Obtaining just one of her two Domain Expansions.

"Domain Expansion. Heavenly Principles."

 ❝𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐥❞ BOOK 1 || Sukuna x Reader, 17+Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora