Scuffle In The City

Start from the beginning

"Yeah because you're a wanted criminal!" Alexis says annoyedly.

"You're wanted criminal?" Po asks in shock.

"You sound surprised. Is this surprising? I don't think it's surprising." Zhen says unworriedly.

"This would of been nice to know. You couldn't have mentioned this earlier?" Alexis asks as she and Po continue to follow Zhen.

"Don't worry. The law has better things to do than look for me." Zhen says as she walks into three guards.

"Hey fox. We've been looking for you." A guard says as he grabs Zhen.

"Must be a slow work week." Zhen says.

"I'll handle this." Po says.

"Oh no. This won't end well." Alexis says as Po begins talking to the guards only to have no luck with them as they don't know what a Dragon Warrior is.

"You know the Dragon Warrior. Anyone? Nothing?" Po asks in surprise.

"Po maybe we should find some other way to talk this over with them." Alexis says.

"Good idea Alexis. Well if you don't know me then surely you must know about Master Shifu and his adopted daughter Master Alexis here.

"No clue." A guard says.

"Grab em. Must be in cahoots with the fox." A guard says.

"Hey!" Alexis says as she and Po get grabbed.

"Wait, wait!" Po says as the group is thrown into a cage.

"Nice try Po." Alexis says as she shakes her head.

"Okay we've tried it your way. Now we try it mine." Zhen says as she takes her jade earring and unlocks the cage door with it.

"Wait. What's your way!?" Po asks as he and Alexis get pulled by Zhen out of the cage and into a lower area as they begin running.

"Come on, come on, come on!" Zhen shouts as Alexis and Po are following her.

"You can't just run away from the law like that! You're a wanted criminal." Po says as the group hides behind a corner.

"Well it looks like I'm not the only one." Zhen says as the group sees wanted posters of Alexis and Po.

"That was fast. I hate to say it terms of the law Po but she's right. If we get caught we won't get near the Chameleon." Alexis says as she looks at Po.

"Glad to see you're finally seeing it my way." Zhen says.

"For now anyway. What's that rumbling?" Alexis asks as the group hears rumbling and then sees a large crowd of guards coming their way.

"Definitely not good news I can tell you that. Come on. Follow me and stay close." Zhen says as the group begins running and narrowly manages to avoid getting caught by the large group of guards as they go down a hidden sewer tunnel.


"It isn't much farther now." Zhen says as Alexis and Po are following her through a dark tunnel.

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