Heading To Juniper City

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"Juniper City. It's gonna be great to be back home again." Zhen says as she is looking at the city in the distance from the boat.

"Does your family live there too?" Po asks.

"They would." Zhen says.

"Would?" Alexis asks curiously.

"I'm an orphan. It wasn't easy being a little fox in a big city. So I had to survive anyway I could. I'd be shilling, gaffing." Zhen says as Alexis looks at her sympathetically.

"I'm sorry. I can't imagine how that must of felt." Alexis says.

"Not good but don't worry about it. I survived and can take care of myself now. That's what matters." Zhen says.

"Whoa! So you're an orphan? So are Alexis and I. Well I mean we were. Alexis got adopted by Shifu. And I got adopted by my goose dad and then later my panda dad found me." Po says.

"Goose dads! Panda dads! Guess it takes all kinds. Right mom?" The fish asks from inside the pelicans mouth.

"Then one day a local took me in, put a roof over my head, gave me clothes to wear, food to eat. After that I was never alone again." Zhen says.

"I guess we all got lucky." Po says as Zhen shares a cookie with him and Alexis.

"I guess. Hey tell me something. Back in the Valley of Peace what did that angry little squirrel mean? When he said you had to find your successor?" Zhen asks.

"Now that I'm supposed to become a spiritual leader I'm supposed to find a worthy successor to take over as the Dragon Warrior." Po says.

"Once you're on top that's where you want to stay right?" Zhen asks.

"No it's just that what do I know about being a spiritual leader? I can't even come up with one of these cool sounding proverbs. Life's greatest enemy is... I don't know. Stairs?" Po asks.

"Wow. Uh that was uh something." Alexis says as she gives an awkward smile.

"It was something alright. Not sure it was necessarily a proverb." Zhen says as Alexis looks at her.

"Everyone knows life's greatest enemy is time." The fish says.

"I guess it's just easier to hold onto the life you know then to move onto the life you don't." Zhen says.

"Hey that was pretty good." Po says.

"It was good Zhen." Alexis says as she smiles kindly at Zhen receiving a slight smile from her.


"He's really out of it huh?" Zhen asks as she walks over to Alexis as the two see Po is fast asleep on the floor.

"Yeah." Alexis says.

"Why don't you get some sleep beautiful. You'll need it to help him fight the Chameleon." Zhen says.

"Nice try Miss Sticky Paws. I'm not letting you out of my sight. Besides it's not the first time I've got a night without sleep." Alexis says.

"What do you mean?" Zhen asks curiously.

"Back when Shifu first adopted me I had countless nights that I wouldn't sleep because I was too afraid of waking up and finding someone else that I come to care about gone." Alexis says as she sighs and looks down at her reflection in the water.

"Is that what happened to your family?" Zhen asks as Alexis looks at her.

"No. My parents died protecting me from another wolf pack. The other pack saw me as a demon for my elemental abilities and to keep me safe my mom got me away but went back to help and was killed too. Whenever anyone found out about my powers after that they all saw me as a demon. But not Shifu. All he saw was a small and scared wolf pup who was all alone without any in the world. Despite my powers he took me in and after that others who knew and trusted Shifu began to trust me too. But losing my family like that gave me nothing but nightmares about the incident growing up." Alexis says sadly.

"I'm so sorry. You don't deserve to be treated the way you were. You're not a demon. Stubborn maybe but not a demon." Zhen says as she chuckles.

"Thanks." Alexis says as she chuckles.

"But if it makes you feel any better I know how you feel and I didn't get the childhood I wanted either. My parents decided it was better to abandon me than care for me and so I ended up an orphan." Zhen says as she sighs.

"That's horrible... I still think of my mom quite often. I was close to her and my aunt." Alexis says as she places her hand on Zhen's arm in attempt to give her some comfort.

"What were they like?" Zhen asks curiously.

"My mom was one of the kindest wolves you'd ever meet. She'd go out of her way for anyone. She always wanted others to feel welcome around our pack. Even if they didn't come from the best place she'd make sure they felt welcome and would always give them a chance no matter what. She knew just how to make people smile. And my aunt was one of the strongest wolves I knew and the total opposite of my mom in personality. She was very unorthodox but that was just her. She loved learning new things and seeing where the unknown would take her. She was never afraid of anything. Some thought she had a dark personality due to how she acted. But she wasn't evil or dark. She was just different and once you got to know her you knew that... It's why I always wear these two feathers. The blue one belonged to my mother and the white one was my aunt's." Alexis says as she touches her feathers.

"They're lovely." Zhen says as she looks at the feathers.

"Thank you. I held onto them because they let me feel close to my mom and aunt. But I also held onto them because they reminded me to never give up and always remember who I am and where I come from. They kind of remind me of yin and yang. Light and darkness." Alexis says.

"Yin and yang?" Zhen asks curiously.

"Yeah... Here Zhen. I want you to have my white feather." Alexis says as she takes out her white feather and holds it out to Zhen.

"I couldn't accept it. Not after what you told me. I am a thief but something like this I draw the line at." Zhen says before Alexis takes her hand and places the feather in it.

"I want you to have it. I thought maybe you could keep it as a reminder for yourself." Alexis says as she smiles softly.

"As a reminder for what?" Zhen asks curiously.

"That there's always light where there's darkness. Just as people are capable of great evil they're also capable of great good. I think you have the potential to do good and do great things Zhen. Even if you don't see it yourself yet. You just need the chance and support of a friend to do it." Alexis says as she smiles.

"You really think I can do good?" Zhen asks in surprise as Alexis nods.

"If given the chance and coming with me and Po will do just that." Alexis says.

"Thank you. It means a lot hearing that." Zhen says as she smiles and places the feather in her pocket.

"You're welcome." Alexis says as she chuckles.

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