今際の国のアリス ── EPISODE THREE

Start from the beginning

1. HIRAI YAMI !! (son of a bitch.)
2. NAKAMURA AKAJI (lead the attack on my parents when i missed one deadline)
3. SAITO YUKI (yami's main bodyguard that has beat me up a bunch)
4. YAMAMOTO HARUTO (old loan shark's bitch boy son)
5. WATANABE HIKARU (ex girlfriend cheated on me with yamamoto haruto)

Miyu was content with her list, planning on adding people's names as she remembered who did her wrong. She went around and blew out all of the candles, triple checking all of the locks before locking herself into the bedroom she had claimed that had no windows, a chair underneath propped the handle of a door. 

She laid in the bed, waiting until the streets fell silent before Miyu was comfortable enough to fall asleep, the journal under her pillow.

. . .

"So... he's dead?" Miyu sighed in disappointment, nudging Haruto's body with her foot. Taemin nodded his head, brushing his hair out of his eyes as the two looked at the body. She crouched down and began feeling his pockets. "Have you searched him?"

Taemin shook his head, looking over his shoulder. "I'm not meant to search any dead bodies without someone else being with me."

"Well, good thing I'm here with you," Miyu hummed, lifting the hem of Haruto's shirt and taking the gun from his waistband. "He hasn't changed since we were teenagers."

"You knew him?" Taemin asked, continuously glancing over his shoulder,

She nodded, sliding the gun into her own waistband. "Unfortunately. Do you guys just hoard dead bodies here?"

Taemin hesitated. "Kind of..? We just collect dead bodies and give them mini funerals before we bury them. Even if they were assholes when they were alive, we believe everyone should be able to travel to the afterlife safety. Even if they go to Hell."

"I'm Buddhist," She muttered, standing up. "This one is sure to go to your Hell, though. Asshole." Miyu kicked him again, his limp body rolling onto his side. "How did he die? I hope it was painful."

Taemin crouched next to Haruto. "Well, I think he had a relatively painless death. The easiest death in the Borderlands." He tilted his head back and pointed to the sky before pointing at the small wound under his chin. "Laser. His visa either expired or he failed a game."

Miyu sighed. "That's too bad." She nudged his body with her shoe one last time before looking over her shoulder, seeing a car approaching. "Are those your friends?"

Taemin looked over his shoulder and his eyes widened, nodding quickly. "Pretend like I'm trying to get you to go away. Act- act crazy. Quick!"

Miyu gave him a look. "I'm not doing that." She walked off, hearing yells towards her and Taemin as she walked further away and the car got closer to their makeshift cemetery. She paid no mind to them, adjusting her knife on her thigh and gun in her waistband.

. . .

Miyu sighed, opening her journal on her bed and struck a line through Haruto's name. She was disappointed that he had died so easily and with minimal pain. Sakura's death had been worse than his, and he had done far worse than Miyu believed Sakura capable of even thinking about.

The end of her pen found itself in between Miyu's teeth as the girl laid on her bed, just thinking. Thinking about everything. Her parents. The loan sharks. Her business. Sakura. The factory. Chishiya and Kuina. The Beach. Haruto's body. Taemin and his group's 'cemetery'. Revenge.

She really wanted to get drunk. To let the pleasurable burn of the liquid scald her throat and wash her worries away with each swig, easing her thoughts. Apparently, the other survivors were thinking the same thing, before Miyu could not find any alcohol in any of the stores.

So, the businesswoman slept her worries away with her journal under her pillow and her door blocked off.

author's note

if you're thinking this is a filler chapter than
you are 100% correct congratulations

also this is my first time writing a buddhist
character as an atheist that grew up a christian
so pls correct me if i get anything wrong

𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐙𝐘 , alice in borderlandWhere stories live. Discover now