Chapter 113: Dongshan

Start from the beginning

"As for how you can believe my words, now Feng Yu Tang has grasped the entire Tongxiang to a degree that the people do not dare to even mention the Xue family's situation. The Xue family has become like this, you have also become like this. In fact, aside from me, nobody stood up to redress the Xue family. I don't have to deceive you, there's nothing but your life at this moment. Even this life is hanging by half. If I really want your life, it's not necessary to be this troublesome, it's easy to get."

Peng Xiao and the others were silent.

Jiang Li was right, the four of them were already in poor health, their bodies destroyed by illness. Even the big, tall man behind Jiang Li could capture the four of them by himself. If Jiang Li truly wanted to deal with them, it's not worthwhile for her to weave these lies.

"Now I'm only going to ask you, are you willing to go out with me and clear your Master Xue?" Jiang Li asked.

Her gaze was firm without the slightest dear, but it unexplainably made people follow in its firmness.

Peng Xiao was the first to raise his head and looked at her while saying word by word, "I'll follow you."

"Me too!" He Jun said. "All of us have stayed in this mine for a long time. 15 brothers, 15 brothers have been tortured to the extreme and only five of us remain! Why are we reluctant to die, striving on our last breath, that is, waiting for this moment. Is it because we are afraid of death? No! We are hoping for a day where we can go out and reverse the verdict of the Lord. Such a good person as the Lord was framed by others, it's ridiculous! Now since this sister is willing to redress the injustice of the Xue family, our five brothers are willing to follow!"

In the corner, Gu Da and Gu Er supported each other and stood up. They were probably terribly weak, they were incapable of speech and no voice could reach Jiang Li's ears. However, she could see the movement of their lips, which was saying "willing".

"This isn't right." Ye Ming Yu spoke up, "there are at most four people here, aren't there five people that are still alive? Where is the fifth person?"

Peng Xiao glanced at Jiang Li and Ye Ming Yu, turned around to walk forward and said, "Follow me."

Going around the cave, leaning against the cave wall, a person was lying on the ground. At first glance, the person seemed to be dead already. Until they approached and crouched did they only see that this person still breathed lightly, a very frail breath, just like the light of a candle that would immediately extinguish with just a blow.

Black? Jiang Li looked clearly at the person's face.

"Black has been sick for half a month. We guessed he would only be able to live a few more days." He Jun spoke with hatred, "Feng Yu Tang's people will not let us invite a doctor over. Our other brothers were all tortured to death like this." He undid the back of Black's clothes while trembling.

On that back, the clothes, skin and flesh already merged together looking badly mangled and exuding a stench. It's really hard for people to imagine that this was the skin and flesh of a living person. There were whip lashes on top, not a single one was superficial. There wasn't any intact piece of skin left.

"The whip they used to whip us with has barbed tips." He Jun looked at Black and said, "Black is at his prime age but his life seems to have reached the end, he can't hold on anymore."

Jiang Li knew Black. He was the youngest among his father's subordinates with an age similar to Xue Zhao. He was born with a baby face, looking like a family's mischievous youngster. Every time she saw Black, it was as if she saw Xue Zhao. Black lying motionless here caused Jiang Li's heart to be gripped in pain for a while.

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