Louis gives him a small smile, "I'm sorry." He looks sad. "I've been a really bad friend recently."

Yeah. Harry wanted to say. But I still love you.

"It's okay." He says instead.

"No." Louis hugged his knees to his chest, "It isn't. I'm going to be better from now on. I promise."

Harry smiles and blushes, "Okay." Louis smiles and it sends Harry's stomach into a pit of butterflies. God he needed to figure out this whole thing soon.

"I missed you, Haz." Louis says almost so quietly Harry might have missed it if he wasn't so invested and totally in love with everything the boy did.

"I missed you too." I love you.


"Are you going to kiss me?"

Harry flushed red, "What?"

Louis smirked and took a chip out of the bowl between them. "You're staring at me like you're going to kiss me I was just wondering if you were going to act on it."

Harry looked down at his book, tapping his pencil on the lined paper. "No I wasn't." He muttered. Louis hummed.

"Um, yes, Haz, you were. Saw it with my own two eyes. Sorry to break it too you."

"You're such an asshole." Harry giggled and threw a chip at him. Louis battered it away.

"Please," He laughed, "You love me."

Yeah. Harry thought. I really do.

Instead Harry just looked away and shook his head, who was he to deny the truth? Suddenly Louis was up in his face, smiling at him.

"What about now?" Louis grinned. Harry smiled and leaned away.

"You know, I beginning to think you want me to kiss you." Louis glared and fell back onto Harry's floor, glancing around at their study materials. 

"Fuck me," He muttered, "We're so going to fail this."

"You mean you are. I'm prepared."

"Didn't ask you, did I? Nerd."

"If you asked for my help I would but your too fucking stubborn."

"Boys!" Anne yelled from the hall, "Language!"

"Sorry." They both murmured and giggled to each other. Louis groaned and looked at Harry.

"Do you want to do something else. I'm never going to pass this anyway and you're already prepared. We could go to the lake?" Wet Louis. Tempting. "Or the movies?" Boring. "Or I could try, for the love of God, to teach you how to play football, again?" Harry looked up at this one.

He thought this through, if they went to the movies, they wouldn't be able to talk and it would be a pretty boring afternoon, also, Harry was saving up his last six pounds for the next Percy Jackson book. Going to the lake meant girls. Which meant talking about girls, and girls all over Louis. And also some of Louis' other friends would be there.

"You'd teach me?" Harry decides. Louis smiles at him.


Once they walked down to the football field and they're facing each other, Louis rolling the football under his foot, Harry thinks maybe this wasn't the best idea. Damn it they should've just gone to the movies.

"Now, Haz," Louis smiles and sets the ball infront of him, "I'm going to pass the ball to you and I want you to keep it under your foot."

"Okay." Harry swallows and Louis gently kicks the ball to Harry. Surprisingly, Harry stops it with his foot and kicks it back to Louis, who grins.

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