More Chunks of Story

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Yeah, more is coming your way.

Title: Past, Future, Now

This was supposed to be about Netherlands and Indonesia... Yeah, I forgot my intentions.

(Unfinished Prologue)

I sat on the front porch, watching an unkindness of ravens stroll through the lawn of the house opposite ours.
Unkind. My two half-blood-related older siblings were the definition of that. Controlling and power-hungry, they were worse than Grootvader. WIC and VOC were their names. In pure fact, they were fully blood-related, so it was no wonder their traits were similar.

A common misconception was that VOC and I were brothers. All they needed was to add 'half', and they would be correct. It almost seemed like nobody knew WIC existed, although I feel no pity for her. She deserved it, that little rat with her cowardly rat-monster brother.
At least the ravens aren't as mean as WIC and VOC, I thought, hugging myself.

This morning, I woke up to hearing Vader and Grootvader arguing. Vader was usually my live alarm clock; he had a voice that was louder than a crowd of chanting monkeys. I felt exhausted and annoyed, crawling out of my bed to see what all the commotion was. VOC and WIC were downstairs too, irritation scribbled on their faces. I was surprised that België hadn't woken up yet.

"Nederland, what in the world are you doing?" WIC hissed, fiddling with the hem of her nightdress.

I gritted my teeth and said, "Seeing why Vader and he are arguing about."

For whatever reason implied, WIC smiled a little and said, "Grootvader?"

I refused to respond and took a barely noticeable step back. VOC continued to disregard my presence and stiffened.

"Have you any knowledge of what they're talking about?" I asked.

WIC snorted and I took that as a no.

Title: Aspirations, Faith and Crime

I think this was supposed to be about some countries crossing paths... Argh, I'm so forgetful.

An Introduction-ish Part???

Even though the sun was long down, I still remained outside, envying the silent night. In the city, the nights were full of noise, despite most people being asleep. Pubs were still open with people partying, cars were still on the road, people cursing slow drivers... the list went on an on. However, at my friend's place, it was all quiet, except for the occasional bird call and low traffic.

I hugged my trench coat tighter around myself. The cold bit my skin, causing gooseflesh to spike up. The balcony allowed me to overlook streets long an short, eventually leading up to the highway. I averted my gaze to the moon, its face gleaming in the clear sky. Stars bright and dim flickered around it, greeting the people below.

Yet again, I felt that aching in my chest. The whole reason why I came here. I smacked my arm, trying to discard the upcoming thought, and cleared my mind.

Even if I may never forget it, I must let it go, I thought.

Why I still missed a person I thought I hated, I may never know.

After several more minutes of staring at the metropolitan scenery before me, I finally decided to go back inside. It was long past my bedtime; I needed a good rest for the day ahead.

I half expected to see a pair or two of eyes staring back at me, but all I saw was an empty living room. I sighed, seeing on the clock that it was nearing half past twelve, and flopped onto the couch. I felt guilty for abandoning my siblings, but when I was back at home, stuck between going and staying, I had decided that it was for the better.

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