Chapter 1

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After class your teacher approached you and asked you to tutor Atlas, Your enemy.You tried to refuse but you got threatened with detention. Defeated, after school you walk to the library to meet him. You entered the library and you see him sitting down, playing with his rings.

   I walk up to him and think about how we became to be enemies. He never liked me because he thought I was a gay boy since I was 11. That's when it started I guess.

   He looked at you and smirked. " came. I didn't know that you were capable of being nice. I guess that's what happens when someone can give you detention." His smirk became a cocky smile and an annoying laugh followed.

   "If I didn't I would be in dentition right about now." I say to him

   He raised an eyebrow. "So, you don't like me? Are you scared of me?" He played with one of his rings while he spoke his smug words.

   "I'm not scared of you, just annoyed." I tell him.

   His smile became a slight frown. "Annoyed? You are annoyed by me? Don't tell me you are not scared of me? Is my presence that intimidating?"

  "Not really your just a kid. I'm taller than you anyways."

   He was annoyed at how confident you were around him, even though he tried to scare you. He also tried to act even more intimidating. "You say that until I do something to you. Do you think that I'm all talk? Do I look like a nice guy to you?"

   "No but I doubt you'd actually do anything. Plus you want to get your grade up and I'm the one helping you do that." I say still not scared as he wants me to be.

   His annoyed look came back, the frown was barely noticeable. He was clearly frustrated that he couldn't intimidate you. "I...well I guess you are telling the truth. But still. I'm the more popular kid here. I'm the one who gets the girls. I play hockey. So, that makes you the one who needs help. Not me." He said his words as smugly as he could.

   "At least I'm not stupid." I say trying to insult him.

   He had an even bigger frown at your statement.
"Excuse me? Do I look stupid to you? I take honors classes all the time. I get all A's and B's. I'm not stupid at all."

   "Then why the fuck do you need a tutor?" I ask annoyed.

   He became a little pissed off at you. "The only reason why I need a to help me with certain classes. And it's not like I'm doing terrible in any classes. I'm actually doing pretty good. I just need to do better. Okay?"

   "Wow amazing." I say sarcastically.

   He was pissed off even more.
"Oh screw you. You would be lucky to have my grades. You are barely passing aren't you?"

   "If I was barely passing why the fuck woudl they ask me to be your tutor dumbass." I tell him while I roll my eyes.

   He was getting even more frustrated with your words, he couldn't handle how unbothered you were. "Because I'm important to the school. They can't have me repeating a grade or else everyone would forget about me. You are just a nobody. Just a waste of space."

   "Whatever. We need to start now." I say sitting down next to him.

   He calmed himself a little and looked at you. He took his rings and started playing with them again.
"Fine. Let's start. This isn't gonna be that difficult anyways. I just need help with some stuff."

   "Ok. What do you need help with?" I ask.

   He let out a little chuckle. "Let's start with math. I got a D- on my last test and I need to get that up. But that's it really. I just need to learn how to do a couple of equations."

   "Ok." I say while I show him how to do they equations. I try to make it simple so he can remember how to do it.

   He was listening closely as you taught him the equations. This stuff was basic to him so he was actually understanding it. After a few minutes, he seemed to have gotten it."Okay, I think I understand them now. But could you do one more problem with me real quick?"

   "Which one?" I ask him.

   He got his math book back out of his bag and showed you a problem he got wrong. "This one. I don't get how to solve it. It's pretty hard for me. You need to show me how it's done."

   "Oh this one's easy." I say as I show him the correct technique to solve it.

   He was watching carefully as you worked the problem out. Once you were done, he thought he got it. "See, that wasn't so hard. So, if I ever have a problem with this I should be able to figure it out. Just gotta remember the steps right?"

   "That's right."

   He smiled at that. He was actually starting to like learning something from you. But of course, he couldn't show that. So, he remained stoic.

   "I have to go now but don't forget that stuff." I say as I grab my items and put them in my bag.

   He nodded, but he was still trying to look as emotionless as possible. "I won't. Thank you."

   I leave the library where we were at and head out to my car that was parked outside of the school.

   He went back to staring at the rings in his hand. He couldn't believe how he was able to learn math. That was one of his weakest subjects and you made it really simple for him. Now he had to keep up his rude personality, so he wasn't going to admit that to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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