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At the time of this work's writing, I and anyone else involved in the editing process of this fiction were unaware of the actions of the person whom inspired it. This work is based entirely on the persona put forward by that person rather than the person himself, and I do not support or back them in any way shape or form. Believe the victim, always.

I'll keep this writing up as a record of my very first successful fic, but let it be known that I am aware of this person's actions and do NOT condone them.

For more information, research about the situation regarding this person and Shelby (Shubble on Twitch).

As always, thank you so much for your support. I hope you will stand with me on the side of the victim of this situation and on the side of justice.

Signing off for the last time,

recreational idiocy | wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now