Chapter 2 The plan to meet Shori kun again

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Normal POV

Natsumi had noticed there weren't any boys around and any boys in the class, and began to think that there weren't going to be any chance of meeting Shori again unless something lucky like that happened by coincidence again.Natsumi was sitting in class and not concentrating with my head facing the window.

The teacher would yell at Natsumi to face forward and concentrate. She would face forward for a few minutes and then she'd look straight at the window again.While she was sitting down she was thinking about how she could meet Shori kun again.

As she was lost in deep thought an idea popped up in her head.

"Maybe I could pretend to be a boy and go to the boys side in disguise...?" Thought Natsumi "or maybe I could re-enroll into this school as a boy...?"

Those crazy ideas popped up in Natsumi's mind.

After a few minutes she decided to try the idea out, but the problem was how was she going to re-enroll?She thought again deeply about it, and she thought about telling her brother about it. Since he was a doctor, and he could possible pay for Natsumi's expenses. She decided to call her brother after school.


"You crazy Natsumi?!" Shouted her brother over the phone in big astonishment

"I-I know I'm crazy...b-but I really want to meet Shori kun brother!"

"Haven't you met him yet?"

"No...and that's the only way I will!" Shouted Natsumi

"Geez...fine I'll pay for the expenses, but in exchange go and get me Matsujun's autograph ok?"

"Whose Matsujun?" Asked Natsumi

"He's the Matsumoto guy in Arashi. Know the idol group whose's the same talent association as 'Sexyzone'?"

 "Oh...right...I so knew that..." Replied Natsumi pretending to have just forgotten when she didn't even know who Matsujun was even though she sometimes watched the VS Arashi show on TV.

"So how are you going to quit the school, then re-enroll as a boy?"

"Um...hmm..." Mumbled Natsumi to herself knowing she needed to think of an idea before her brother would say no."You know they aren't idiots who are just going to think a cute girls in the class, you know!"

"I-I know but I want to risk it, even if I won't be able to see him again or even go to this school anymore..."

"That's my sister!" Shouted Natsumi's brother in excitement. "If your willing to go that far for Shori I will support your decision.

"Thank" said Natsumi "Now I-I'll just get you to call the school saying that I need a few months of school of because of..."

"Yeah I could do that..." Said her brother "since I'm a doctor I could write a medical condition form..."

"But like I said before the people in school aren't idiots, won't they get suspicious that a boy who looks like Natsumi is en-rolled as a boy?"

"I-I think they would b-but I think they wouldn't be able to tell because I wore makeup to school today, and you know I change drastically with make up on!"

"I though you weren't allowed make up at Horikoshi Gakuen, Natsumi?"

"I forgot..."

"Well that means I don't think anyone would get suspicious then!" Said her brother "I'll come tomorrow to Tokyo and have a chat with the principal about you wanting transfer to this school and then I'll change my voice a bit and call again to say you are not feeling well and needs a day off or something"

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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