1. Ice cream (Carousel)

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BEEP !! I internally groan as I lazily reach to turn off the alarm. As I was about to go back to sleep for a few more minutes I realized what day it was, Friday. Fridays might seem boring to some people but for my family, it was everything. Every Friday my mom, brother, and I all lock our phones in a safe and go out and do something. My mom said it was her way of teaching us that internet isn't everything.

I practically jump off my bed and head into the bathroom. After thoroughly brushing my teeth and washing my face I travel to my closet and start flicking through my clothes. Once I assemble and put on my outfit (whatever you want) I gather all my things and begin the walk downstairs.

           "Mom !" I yell across the house, sitting my bag down on the counter.

           "Coming honey !" My mom's voice echos through the hall. When she emerges from her room my jaw goes slack. She's dressed in a tight fitted red dress with low heals.

           "What. Is. Going. On !?" I questioned almost bewildered.

           "Well I have a meeting at work and thought I might wanna look nice. Do you not like it?" She asks with an underlying hint of disappointment in her voice.

           "No no mom you look amazing, just didn't know the plan for the fit," I respond quickly.

          "Oh okay, and thank you honey," she pauses and looks at the clock on the wall, "I have to go, can you take your brother to school please? I'll be home for our get together."

         "Yeah sure. Love you mom," I say lightly as she kisses my forehead and repeats my words. Just like that, in a moment, she out the door and I can hear her car start.

        "Scottie come on it's time to go!"

        "Calm down I'm coming!"

A few moments later I see my brother skipping down the stairs. I grab my backpack and go for the door, opening it for him.


After dropping off Scottie and parking my car I make my way towards the door, keeping my AirPods in the entire time. I mean someone good mistake me for an animal how I'm moving through these hallways. Once I take short visit to my locker I had to my first period, which goes by surprisingly fast.


As I'm walking to my third period I feel a semi-heavy weight crash into my side. I whip my head in the direction of the hit to see this girl, seemingly a few years younger, bullying this blonde boy. Wait, I recognize that kid. Parker? Parley? Percy? Whatever his name is. I notice the girl looking up at me momentarily.

"Sorry," she smirks before grabbing a handful of the poor boys hair, "this little guy doesn't know how to control himself."

When I meet the boys eyes I can't help but feel a bit of pity for the boy. I mean, sure I'm not the nicest person, and sure I like giving people a hard time, but only people who I think deserve it. Seeing it happen to other people never sat right with me. I just cant help but think that this girl is the exact type that causes my narcissistic issues.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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