Chapter two: Boxer shorts

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⚠️WARNING: Insulting grammar, some things are written wrongly, violence and bullying.

(Keefe's pov)

I felt so bad for Foster, nobody deserves this much embarrassment. While I went to get toilet paper in the boys bathroom I could hear some snotty boys laughing about something.
"I know, the weird blondie with brown eyes was crying her face off!"
One of them whispered and they started howling and weezing of laughter.
It took all my will power not to run at them and give them a good punch in the face, I squeezed my fists so tight that my knuckles were already ghost white. I tried to get some toilet paper without calling any attention to the guys, but one of them saw me and grabbed me by my uniform shirt collar.
"Where do you think you're going?"
He pulled me so close I could smell his stinky breath and feel the warmth of it.
"I-i ne-need..." keep it together Keefe, Sophie needs you.
"It's none of your business!"
Two of the boys that were behind me grabbed my arms and twisted them backwards, I had to bite my bottom lip to not scream from the pain, and they pinned me to the wall.
"You're that stupid boy who follows that weird elf everywhere she goes!"
I grunted as they squeezed my arms even more.
"Where is that little brat?"
"I'm not telling you! And she is not a brat, she-she...she is an amazing talented elf, she is beautiful, funny and ever so kind-more than you'll ever be" I said under my breath.
"Looks like lover boy has a crush on this freak!" The gang chuckled in agreement. Ok! Now they pulled my final straw, I stomped on the closest shoe I saw on the floor which was thankfully the boy who was holding one of my arms, I kicked the other one in the shin, and started punching the tallest one of the boys. I could feel my edraline coming, as I breathed deeply and started sweating like crazy. Before I knew it the boys were groaning and the tallest decided to let me be, as they chuckled and ran away.
"That's right! Don't ever mess with Keefe Sencen" I sighted and leaned on the wall, tired and overwhelmed of what happened. I grabbed the toilet paper for Sophie and just as I was leaving I took a quick look in the mirror and winced at the bleeding gash I had on my temple.
I shrugged the idea off and ran to the girls bathroom, to see Sophie staring with worried eyes at my injury.
"Woah, remember Sophie, I'm an empath...also your emotions are way to intense right now".
Sophie got up and to my surprise, hugged me.
"What was that for Foster?"
I blushed deeply,
"I-I just know you won't want to talk about it and I thought at least a hug would help a bit"
We stared at each other awkwardly until Sophie took the toilet paper and shooed me away from the bathroom.
"Keefe-her voice was barley a whisper-I don't really have a choice but to go back to class with a stain"
I could hear her starting to cry again,
"Hey, it's gonna be alright" I stretched my arm to the top of the door and had my hand dangling which Sophie took it with a firm grip.
"And anyway...I think I might just have an idea".
My awesome idea had me walking through the hallways in my boxer shorts with gulons on them, I could hear snickering and giggling, and various whipering and finger pointing, but I didn't mind at all, I loved the spotlight and the attention, so I just kept posing for effect.
It took me a while to convince Sophie to use my pants, which fit her a bit big, but she decided that if i let her clean my wound-which i agreed to, which was surprisingly not painfull and thankfully we didn't need to go to Elwin for help-she came out of the bathroom confident with her not so new large size Keefe pants. I could see Sophie already getting her stuff to get back to Havenfeild where she lived so I ran up to her.
"Nice shorts" She giggled, but something about her giggle made me blush instead of feeling proud of my recklessness.
"Yeah, well I had an emergency with a sort of someone with blond hair and brown eyes"
She blushed and started apologizing really fast.
I had to cover her mouth with my hand which made her apologizing muffled.
"Relax Foster, I've never had this much attention, only with the great gulon accident, but chill, I'm fine, don't you dare keep apologizing, I totally rock these shorts and also my father is gonna be so mad when he hears about this, it's my dream come true!".
Sophie invited me over to Havenfeild for some mallowmelt and I obviously said yes, she grabbed her imparter and my hand, I know you have to do this to teleport, but I couldn't help feeling butterflies in my stomach.
Grady shouted,
"Nice to see you to Grady" I winked at him and he just looked at my face and then down at my boxer shorts and bare legs, I blushed.
"Oh right, about that..."
Edaline came walking in and started looking at me horrified but then started laughing which to my surprise (yeah sorry I get surprised a lot) it was acompannied by pig snorts similars to Sophie's.
"Heavens Keefe! Where are your pants?"
I looked at Sophie and she just nodded, i started telling the situation to Edaline and Grady while Sophie just stared at the floor embarrassed.
"Oh honey, that's ok, it's normal for everybody" Edaline went to hug Sophie and Grady joined, I stared longingly wishing I had parents like Grady and Edaline, but no-o, I got daddio and mommy dearest.
Grady looked at me full with sincerity in his eyes and pulled me into the hug, it was very awkward but something about the warm embrace made me smile.
"Aww, now I'm part of the family"
Sandor who was watching from behind trying not to disturb them, chuckled.
"Way to ruin the moment Keefe"
I roll my eyes,
"You're just jealous Gigantor!"
I could hear Sandor mumble under his breath,
"Don't call me Gigantor".
After the hug was over Grady came back to being his grumpy self, going to fetch some of his spare pants that I could wear.
"Do you guys have homework to do?"
Edaline asked while she watched us gobble down her famous batch of Mallowmelt.
"Nope!" Foster said wiping crumbs from her mouth-she was so cute, omg did I just say foster looks cute, pull yourself together dude.
"Nah, Foster and I are just hanging out"
"O-k, well call if you need anything"
"Thanks mom!"
Foster grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs to her room.
I jumped on her bed with my face smashed on her pillow-mmm, smells like vanilla.
Foster was playing with Iggy, her pet imp on the flowery carpet.
"Thanks for everything Keefe"
She came up to me and pecked me on the cheek, I stared at her big brown eyes, and we both blushed.
Foster looked away and went to fetch the pants that Grady supposedly should have brought me.
"Oh Iggy, I adore Foster so much, she is so beautiful, so intelligent, with her brown eyes and she smells like-I started sniffing my surroundings-like rotten eggs, eww, Iggy you're disgusting" I said tickling him under his chin as he purred happily.
Foster came in with a pair of black pants, I went to the bathroom and came out proudly.
"They fit perfectly!"
"They do?!"
"Nope, there a bit big but it's fine".
Foster came in to tuck the end of my shirt in the pants and I was so close to her that my heart started beating like crazy, and my breathing quickened.
Just then my imparter starts ringing with the Star Wars tune and daddy dearest calls and says it's time to head back.
Way to go dad, you just ruined my moment with Foster.
"Thank you"
I said holding both her hands,
"For what?"
"For this-I breathed deeply, it's now or never Keefe-for you"
I grabbed my imparter and teleported back home to my awesome dad.

(Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed this chapter, SOKEEFE IS GETTING SPICY!!!!!!!)

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