IX. ꜱᴀᴠɪᴏᴜʀ

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"Go! Up the stairs!" Sung-hyo pointed to the mentioned staircase as the two ran through the dusty, slightly overgrown, abandoned warehouse they had taken shelter in.

They both knew the few seconds they had before the armed maniac chasing them arrived were crucial.

Heck, they could hide themselves long enough to sneak away eventually.

However, that was only a small hope of what may happen in the next few moments.

The doors to the warehouse opened just as the girls had finished climbing to the first section of the stairs. Thankfully, they were away from the man's eyeshot, buying them some more time.

"Let's just go," Dong-gi pleaded, trudging behind Sang-jin. "Please?"

Sang-jin ignored him, scoping the areas he could see for Eun-yu.

Sung-hyo stopped at the edge of a staircase. She turned to Eun-yu, "Head for the exit at the far right. Go across this pole here and then down the stairs and you'll find it. Then go straight back to the stadium."

Sung-hyo then began heading back the way they came.

"What are you doing?" Eun-yu whispered.

"Buying you some time," Sung-hyo answered. "Go, now."

Sung-hyo was gone before Eun-yu could say anything else. Left with no other option, Eun-yu began slowly moving across the pole, as Sung-hyo had told her, ensuring she stayed balanced with every step she took.

Sung-hyo crept across the floor above where Sang-jin and Dong-gi still were.

Spotting the puddle nearby to them, Sung-hyo did her first trick. Grabbing a piece of rubble beside her, she threw it at the puddle. It landed in the middle of the puddle, making a loud plop and scaring the pair.

Sung-hyo quietly moved over to her next trick; she threw an empty canister down at them. It landed against a pole nearby and made a clang, scaring the duo yet again.

Sang-jin then spotted a shadow against the wall in front of him. He turned, firing without even taking a second to see who it was.

Eun-yu spun around at the sound of a gun going off.

However, due to how suddenly she turned, the girl lost her balance and fell. She landed on a pile of sandbags, hitting her head on one and passing out.

As her eyes began to shut, she silently hoped that 

Sung-hyo was fine. But the bullets fired had hit Ah-yi.

Sung-hyo swore under her breath. What was Ah-yi even doing here? She was napping in that flower shop, the last Sung-hyo had seen her. Something must've disturbed her.

Ah-yi lay against a section of a wall, seemingly dead to Sang-jin and Dong-gi.

"Hey, that's a kid," Dong-gi let out, horrified that his friend had just carelessly shot a child.

"Exactly," Sang-jin replied. "What a relief."

"Crazy bastard," Sung-hyo muttered from where she was watching. 

Her eyes widened as Dong-gi approached Ah-yi, shaking her to see if she was alive. Sung-hyo could only watch as Ah-yi's eyes opened and she grabbed Dong-gi's hand. Sung-hyo didn't need to be up close to know what Ah-yi was doing. 

Without another care of what happened to the two men, Sung-hyo stood up and began heading over to the pole that Eun-yu would've crossed by now.

ᴍʏ ɴᴇᴡ ᴍɪꜱꜱɪᴏɴ . ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ʜᴏᴍᴇ ² ᵃⁿᵈ ³Where stories live. Discover now