Zara was a natural beauty. I am not sure she even knew exactly how beautiful she was. She had dark long thick waves that came down her back. Always looked her best even if she just woke up. She had the most captivating smile that made me happy. Her dimples were deep and her freckles took all my focus. She was made to perfection. Small waist, thick thighs.

I get out the car and walk over to her. She looked up and her face instantly went to anger.

"I don't need this right now." She says throwing the cigarette.

"Just hear me out. Please..." I say and she shakes her head. "No. I do not want to fucking hear it."

"Are you fucking deaf?" She says getting up. "Leave me alone."

"I cannot leave you..." I tell her finding it hard to even move away.

"Yes you can." She laughs. "You always do."

"Zara... I know I fucked up. But its not what you think. I swear to everything I got... I did not fuck that girl. I fell asleep in her bed. She is just pissed me rejecting her thats why she did that last night."

Zara just looks at me. "You think I am stupid?"

"I swear to everything." I say

"Shut up Kain. Go fucking home." She yells at me. "I dont want my brother to see me like this."

"So just hear me out."

"Shut up shut up." She says. "All you is make me look stupid and treat me like trash... here me out. Me and you are done."

"You're done?" I say feeling myself struggle to manage my emotions. "Sure you are..." I say. "Lets see how long that will last..."

"Youre so fucked up. You don't think I can survive without you?" She says. She looked like I just slapped her in the face.

"I hate you so much." She says finally and it went straight through my heart.

"Fuck you Zara." I say as I turn around. I watch a car pull up and Zara grabs my hoodie stopping me from walking off. I was not sure why but it might be an automatic response. The car stops and I watch Zara's brother I assume get out the car and a girl with bright long red hair.

"Babysis!" He yells. Zara runs over to him instantly hugging him as she jumped on him. He laughs putting her down. "Jesus, you have become a fully grown woman. What the fuck?"

"You been gone for 3 years you idiot." She says as she smacks his chest. He hugs her again after examining her. He looked like Zara. They had the same hair and eye colour. He had a babyface just like her. Chubby cheeks and a dimple. He was just twice her size and seemed to be eating good in prison and working out.

"Hey Vee." Zara says as she finally remembers the girl leaning against the car watching the happy reunion. Zara's mood switched so fast at the sight of her brother. She looked genuinely happy. She hugs the red head that I have heard her talk to before on the phone or saying she was going to meet up with her.

I had a little feeling that her brother wasnt ready to snap out of the world of criminality. I wasnt sure why but he just seemed unreliable and Zara had all her faith in him... he was her only family literally. I didnt want to see her hurt... especially when she was probably the only person who brought me just pure joy and happiness when we werent trying to kill each other.

"So who is this?" He says snapping me back into reality. Zara looks at me as if she completely forgot about me for a second. I did not like that at all..

"Im Kain." I tell him. "Zara's boyfriend."

"Ah." He says as he looks at me. He approaches me shaking my hand. "I did not know there was a boyfriend."

84th Floor: LightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora