Chapter 1

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Honestly I don't know why I'm doing this, but my name is Jace. You'll be hearing from me most. I'm sorry if I get annoying or bore anyone.

It was raining. I normally love the rain, it's peaceful, but not tonight. I was sitting on my bed looking through an old photo album. The rain pouring down outside makes everything seem sad, not that it wasn't already sad. My sister drowned a few weeks ago, I don't know how it had happened, she's an excellent swimmer. Anyway, my friends had told me looking back on these happy memories would make me feel better, it didn't, it only made me feel worse and now I was sitting on my bed at 2 in the morning crying.

I must mention, I knew the whole time I should just put down the photo album and go to sleep, but something inside me wouldn't let me just put it down. I was waiting for my mother to come in and tell me to go to sleep, but she never did. I guess she thought I was studying for that test I have tomorrow, or maybe she just didn't want to bother me. Either way she never came in like I expected.

I think one reason I was just crying is because I was wearing my sister's jumper. When she died my mother had given it to me, probably hoping it would make me feel a bit better. It wasn't exactly helping much however, and I'll be honest, in that moment I looked quite pathetic just crying over a couple photos, unable to stop.

After a few minutes I regained my composure. I stood up holding the photo album, I walked over to my desk on the other side of the room and place it in a drawer. I walked back over to my bed and sat down on the edge. I reached over to my bedside table and picked up my phone. I just wanted a distraction. I already knew I wasn't going to sleep, and why be bored and tired when you can listen to music and be tired? I took the headphones that were lying on my desk and put them on. After they had connected to my phone, I put on some music.

After a while the rain outside began to become calming. A few minutes later I had fallen asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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