Chapter 2.

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Kayla led me through several hallways and down a flight of stairs until we ended up in a massive kitchen.

"Holy Sh-"

"We have no time to waste!" a girl standing over the stove stirring something in a big silver pan. Her hair was a dark brown , black in the very dim lit kitchen.

Kayla looked up at me , even though I was only 5'3 she seemed a couple inches shorter. "U-um .. what's your name.." she asked almost as if she was nervous.

"Call me Talon." I say , thinking it'd be best if we didn't get to close , she smiled up at me and ushers me over to the stove , "Stir." she hands me a wooden spoon and I start to stir as directed.


I look to the owner of the voice and see Link standing there , the girls started shuffling past me lining up , holding silver platter and pitchers.

I stood there and looked around , 'What the hell am I supposed to do.' I catch one of the girls eyes and she walks up next to me.

"Your job for the night can be clean up duty , until the party is over , you will continue to fill empty pitchers that are brought back to you empty." I nod and she shuffles back in line.

After about 5 minutes of my fidgeting they start to slowly walk out into the dinning room.

I look at the enormous kitchen and completely fall in love with it , what can I say ? I love cooking. After 10 minutes of my gawking a girl walks in with an empty pitcher.

I look at her "What was in it?" I ask looking over the drinks that were labeled.


I freeze in my tracks 'Vampire.' I find the jar that was labeled blood and started to fill the pitcher up with the thick , dark liquid.

When it was full she placed the lid back on the pitcher and walked out.

After I filled about a million pitchers , I looked around the room for a clock and about 15 minutes into my search I find the clock , 'TICKLE MY ANUS AND CALL ME SAMANTHA! IT'S NEARLY FIVE O' CLOCK IN THE MORING!'

I stood there staring at the clock until the girls started filling back in , Link came in shortly after all the girls washed and dried their pitcher or platter.

"Clean up staff ! Clean and sweep the dinning room."

I walk into the dinning room with a couple other girls and we start to clean the dinning room , it was a very modern dinning room with white , comfortable looking chairs and a glass table which took up most of the space.

The other girls took the easy part which was sweeping , I had to take the other dishes and wash them.

I didn't complain when they looked at me with what looked like ravenous eyes.

The other girls were done by the time I was half way through the dishes , "I'm hungry , feed me." I heard from behind me.

I turned around and saw a kid about 5 years old , my heart melted. That is until he yawned and I saw two delicate , sharp fangs.

"FEED ME!" he yelled I backed up and grabbed a cup that I'd already washed and poured it half way up with blood , I handed him the cup.

He gulped the blood down in no amount of time and he handed me the cup I grabbed the cup and placed it back into the sink and let it soak in the warm , soapy water that I filled the sink up with.

I felt a tug at the bottom of my dress , I turn around and the little blonde headed boy had his arms outstretched to me.

I picked him up and cradled him he looked up at me with maroon colored eyes.

"Take me to big brudda." he mumbled , falling into a light sleep. "Who's big brother?" I asked , knowing if I didn't find out then I'd be in a ton of shit , I have to save my strength to get out of here and if I'm beat half to death I won't have any strength left.

"Xavier." came the reply of the little vampire.

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