First day

21 1 0

Zim woke up, excited for another school year with Dib. All summer he hadn't seen Dib - Stink much, it was odd to him. He wasn't sure as to why he cared so much, after all Dib stink was a distraction to his mission anyway.
He shook his mind off of it, hoping outta bed.
"GIR! Make me waffles," Zim ordered smirking.
He hadn't grown much from when they were kids, but the stupid humans were too dumb to notice anyway.
Zims goal today was to figure out what dib stink was planning all summer! After all.. what else could've been the reason he hardly came by?
Although, Dibs not the only one going through change, Zim also has been questioning his identity and what not. Although Zim hates change, he wanted to continue being enemy's and what not. It was fun, and a distraction to the fact his mission isn't real, which he knew deep down.
( Zim is somewhat emo now. )

For the first time, Dib was somewhat excited. The thought of making a friend interested him. He had to sit alone at lunch after elementary school since Gaz made her own friends. Hopefully he would be able to do the same. He walked downstairs, surprised to see his sister making breakfast. Gaz had notice his odd behavior ever since he became a chair — well he wasn't anymore at least, but for some reason he hadn't let go of it. And still sees himself as a chair.
Dib pretended to not notice and grab his bag, to walk to school early.
"Dib?" Gaz called out.
"Here I made extra," she handed him a plate while he tried to sneak past her. Although she hadn't made extra, she made just enough for the both of them.
"I'm okay Gaz, I'll eat at school. Thanks though" He smiled hoping that would be enough for her to back off. Gaz sighed as he left his plate untouched and left.
While walking down his driveway he was shocked to see Zim standing there, at first he immediately wanted to yell at him to see what he was planning. But he remembered he wasn't trying to be "weird" this year. He walked past Zim as if not even noticing him at all. Catching Zim by surprise.. Zim followed close behind Dib. As they walked, Zim got more annoyed as his presence was ignored.
"hello Dib thing," Zim said catching up to walk side by side.
"..what?" Dib asked.

Zim wasn't sure how to bring this up, he played with his fingers nervously.
"I know you're planning something foolish human.." he scoffed, "you can't fool Zim."
Dib rolled his eyes "why would I be planning something ?"
"You always are," Zim smirked feeling he was smart for knowing this.
"Well im not.."
"LIES" Zim screeched, Dib immediately noticed how this could have a negative impact for how he's trying to spend this year as "normal."
"Look do whatever.. im done trying to stop you.." Dib whispered trying to walk away from Zim embarrassed by the looks he got from people also walking to school. Zim noticed, although he wasn't sure why he was embarrassed.
"Sure, Dib thing. I'm not dumb." Zim rolled his eyes as they reached the school. They finally parted, since they had separate homeroom classes. Dib sighed with relief that he was finally away from what would make him appear weird again.
He sat down, his eyes scouring around for a potential friend. He knew he didn't have a lot of choices, considering it was the last year of high school and everyone already had friends from the year before. Not only that but he'd grown up with most of these kids, so most people already avoided him. Luckily for Dib, a new kid in town named Sean knew nothing about Dibs past. He also looked lonely, and sat fairly close to Dib. Dib decided to shoot his shot.. walking over to Sean.
"Hey your Sean right?" Dib asked trying to seem cool, although he lacks social interaction. The ref kid just nods awkwardly.
"I'm Dib, what're you interested in?" Dib asked, trying not to ruin his attempt that just started.
Sean shrugged, "I like space a bit"
Dibs eyes lit up, he knew a lot about space.
"Same! Are you into aliens?" Dib shot out, quickly regretting the mention of it but luckily for him Sean didn't find it so weird.
"I do actually, I was a bit nervous to say it since most people think it's weird for my age..." Sean smiles a bit.
Dib smiles back, "yeah I get it.."
at the perfect timing, the teacher comes in and Dib goes back to his seat satisfied with his new potential friend..

dw this is a zadr comic — I'll be totally honest I have no idea where I'm going w this comic im just improvising as I go.

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