Michael gray.

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Seraphina's POV

I awake to the sun pouring in the window, I don't remember falling asleep nor do I remember getting it to bed, but I can assume Tommy moved me before we both fell asleep in the chair. I sit up in bed peering over my shoulder at him. His chest rising and falling with every breath, he looks peaceful. I stand up re tying my silk robe and grabbing a cigarette as I make my way down stairs.

As I make it to the bottom of the steps the doorbell sounds and I go to the door looking out the window to see who it is. A shorter man stands there, blondish brown hair, slicked back, deep evergreen eyes much more green than my own and fairly nice clothes on. I recognize him. It's Michael. Polly's son.

My mouth drops for a moment and I'm lost in thought when the doorbell rings again.

" would you like for me to get that miss?" Frances asks from behind me

" erm no no Frances I got this one thank you." I say to her softly and she walks away as I open the door

" hello, miss, is this the Shelby residence?" Michael asks peering around as a small smile plays on his face

" it is, you must be Michael, I remember you from when Tom and I came to see you." I said letting him inside the house

" ahhh Michael. Nice to see you lad. How was the trip?" Tommy says fixing the cuffs on his sleeve and shaking Michael's hand then coming to me and grabbing my waist pulling me close.

" ah it was alright much better now that I'm here instead of hearing me mum nag and scream about the situation." He said with a smile

" Polly gray if your mother not that woman." Tom said putting a hand in his pocket looking down before looking back up to him

" I should see to that myself. Rather not have someone tell me when there's paperwork." Michael retaliated. Yep definitely Polly's son

" well I shall go get ready while you men talk then we shall go to Polly's, shall I call the rest of the family while I'm getting ready? Inform them to meet at Polly's?" I say to Thomas planting a kiss to his lips my hand lay on his chest

" yes that would be perfect my love." He says that beautiful smile of his dawns his lips

I go upstairs to get ready, I throw on my black slacks, smoothing them out and still appreciating how they bring out my curves. I pair it with a ballerina slipper pink silk button up and of course my gun holster on my shoulders. I take the braid out of my hair letting my long chocolate brown locks fall along my back. I do some quick make up not forgetting my favorite dark crimson lipstick as always and putting on shoes, perfume, and the diamond necklace Tommy gave me.

I went ahead and called John telling him to have everyone meet at Polly's we have a surprise Before heading back down stairs to hear the boys laughing. I make my way into the living room to see them sharing some whiskey and a cigarette.

" well I see you two are getting on." I say with a smile taking a hit from Tommy's cigarette, my dark lipstick tenting the end but he doesn't seem to mind

" just telling Michael here about the races and your fine horse Birmingham." Tommy says looking up at me over his shoulder

" well maybe we can all go to the races together one day and he can see it all in person." I say looking at Michael nodding my head just a tad

" i would love that Mrs. Shelby." He says and my mouth drops a little

Did Thomas say I was his wife? My heart skips multiple beats and my cheeks burn with redness. I place a hand on Tommy's forearm gripping slightly still smiling at Michael

" yes well we shall be on our way now. Off to poll's" Thomas says clearing his throat as we make our way to the vehicles outside

Michael nearly fell over when Tommy said he could drive one of them. Me and Thomas got into my sparkly white rolls Royce with Michael following in the black 1930's BMW.

" you told him I was your wife?" I question Tommy keeping my eyes on the road

" well yes I did actually is that a problem?" He says lighting another cigarette

" no no... it's just you haven't proposed or anything yet." I said my cheeks burning red again

" yet. Key word there darling." He smirked resting his hand on my thigh as we continued down the road towards Polly's

Yet. So that means he will propose. I mean I don't see Thomas Shelby getting down on one knee and doing it so it's kinda hard to imagine but the thought of it makes my heart race and my stomach fill with butterflies.


We make it to Polly's, Michael and Thomas already out of the cars. As I sit in mine looking straight ahead.

" are you coming seraphina?" Tom asked peering inside the car window

" oh uhm... yes yes I'm coming sorry." I say getting out and walking over to Tommy

" I'm nervous.." I say quietly as Tommy leads us up the small steps

" nothing to fret my love all will be okay.." Thomas said giving me a quick kiss before entering the house

" helloooo." I call out as the family starts to pour into the kitchen.

John Ada Arthur Finn Isiah and Polly come around the corner and Polly accidentally drops her glass as her mouth gapes open

" oh my god." She says her eyes welling with tears as her hand comes over her mouth

" everyone this is Michael gray. Polly's son." Tommy says and everyone falls silent for just a moment before coming to say a warm hello and giving a hug

" so you're my biological mother I hear, yeah?" Michael asks stepping to Polly

" I erm, yes... my how much you've grown into a young man. The last time I saw you... you..." Polly pauses the tears coming to her eyes and I can feel the emotion pouring out of her soul

I can only imagine the things going on in her head from not seeing her son for so many years. I'm sure it was painful for her, having her kids taken from her but then again she could have done things differently and kept her kids.

" oh never mind you're home now that's all that matters." She says touching his cheeks lightly with both hands as he envelopes her in a tight hug

I'm sure right in that moment Michael didn't need to see paperwork proving that Polly was his mother. Every child knows their mother no matter how far apart they've been. It's just a feeling that can never be taken from a parent or child.

" well this calls for a celebration!!" Arthur says loudly and I can tell he's not himself but he still showed for the sake of Polly gray and this precious moment

We all file out of the house and make our way to the garrison. Henry clears the room of everyone letting us have the garrison to ourselves for this moment.

" Ada may I talk to you? Seraphina please join us?" Tommy asks me and Ada as we sit smoking our cigarettes and drinking a bourbon

We both look at eachother not knowing what's coming next but assuming we have a good idea of what is. We al three make our way to a room upstairs in the garrison that I never knew was here until now. Thomas closes the door behind us and locks it ensuring no one comes in. He takes a seat at the little desk and folds his hands together looking at me and Ada.

" what's his name Ada." Thomas said his voice low as his icy blue pools stare us down like prey.

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