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Nearly an hour had crawled by since Lilith's departure. Ryle, restless and filled with a gnawing anxiety, paced the living room. His recent seizure lingered in his mind, a stark reminder of his precarious situation. He fidgeted with his phone, the silence broken only by the rhythmic hum of the city outside.

Desperate for a distraction, he reached for the television remote, flipping through channels with a bored indifference. Nothing held his interest.

He sighed, slumping onto the couch. Lucy, sensing his distress, nestled into his lap, her rhythmic purr a source of meager comfort. He ran a hand through his hair, frustration tightening his throat. The pressure he felt, both his own and the burden he knew he placed on Lilith, was suffocating.

His thoughts were interrupted by the shrill ring of his phone. He fumbled to answer, a sliver of hope flickering within him.

"Ryle!" Julia's voice, sharp with barely concealed anger, crackled through the receiver. "Put Lilith on the phone. What's taking her so long?"

Ryle frowned. Confused, he double clicked his smart watch to announce the time. "Lilith left over an hour ago, Julia. What's...?"

A horrifying realization dawned on him, a creeping ice spreading through his veins. "She's not with you?" he rasped, his voice barely above a whisper.

Julia's voice became laced with panic. "No! She never arrived! I thought she was still with you!"

He dialed Lilith's number, his heart hammering a frantic rhythm against his ribs. Each unanswered ring sent a jolt of terror through him.

Finally, a voice, unfamiliar and tinged with concern, answered.

"Hello? We've been trying to reach someone related to Lilith Forbes. She was involved in a car accident and is currently at St. Thomas' Hospital..."

Ryle choked on a gasp, the wine glass slipping from his grasp and shattering on the floor. The woman's voice continued, a blur of medical jargon that did little to penetrate the fog of terror engulfing him.

Throwing on a jacket, he bolted out of the penthouse, adrenaline coursing through his veins. He hailed an Uber, barely managing to choke out the hospital's location through a constricted throat. He left a short text for Tyler and Laura to meet him there.

The ride to the hospital stretched into a very long one. Each passing minute felt like an hour, every bump in the road a physical blow. He arrived at the hospital, a disheveled mess, and was met by Tyler and Laura, their faces etched with worry.

Laura, heavily pregnant and radiating concern, tried to calm him down. Tyler, his jaw clenched tight, was lost in his own thought, staring at the floor. The doctor soon arrived, leading them to Lilith's room.

She lay pale and still on the bed, unconscious. A web of wires snaked across her chest, a monitor displaying a steady beep. Ryle felt a surge of despair so profound it threatened to consume him.

The doctor explained that Lilith had sustained a head injury from the accident. While there were no broken bones or spinal cord damage, the trauma had rendered her comatose.

"How long will she..." Ryle's voice cracked, the question too terrifying to voice in its entirety.

The doctor shook his head gently. "We can't say for sure. We'll keep her under close observation."

His emotions overwhelmed him. A strangled sob escaped his lips, tears blurring his vision. His hands began to tremble uncontrollably, the telltale sign of another impending seizure. Before anyone could react, his body convulsed.

He awoke later to find himself in a sterile hospital bed, Laura dozing in a chair beside him. The events of the past few hours replayed in his mind, a relentless loop of horror. He reached for the IV drip, a fierce desire to escape the confines of the bed overwhelming him.

Laura, her eyes fluttering open, gently pushed him back. "Rest, Ryle," she said softly. "You'll only make things worse."

A doctor entered the room, his gaze lingering on Ryle for a moment before addressing Laura. "Mr. Wright, we need to discuss his recent seizure and..."

His voice faded into background noise. Ryle couldn't focus on the words. All that mattered was Lilith, lying still

Sleep, a fragile and fleeting escape, offered him temporary respite from the relentless worry gnawing at him.

He dreamt of swirling colors, a kaleidoscope of fragmented memories. Lilith's laughter echoed in his ears. A sense of desperate urgency pulsed through him, a need to reach out, to hold on. But the dream morphed into a suffocating darkness, leaving him gasping for breath as he jolted awake.

Sunlight streamed through the window, casting harsh lines across the sterile white walls. The rhythmic beeping of a nearby monitor was the only sound.

Panic clawed at his throat. He fumbled for the call button, his fingers trembling. A nurse appeared moments later, her face etched with concern.

"Are you alright, Mr. Wright?" she inquired gently. "Your sister just stepped out for a coffee. Would you like me to bring you anything?"

Ryle shook his head, his voice hoarse. "Just... tell me about Lilith Forbes," he managed to croak.

The nurse nodded sympathetically. "She's still unconscious, Mr. Wright. The doctors are running more tests, but they haven't given us any updates yet."

Disappointment washed over him, a bitter taste in his mouth. He felt helpless, a prisoner in his own body, the silence a deafening roar.

Laura returned shortly with Tyler, her face drawn with worry. She offered him a meager breakfast, which he barely touched. The silence between them spoke volumes.

Finally, a doctor entered the room, his expression unreadable. Ryle held his breath, a knot of anticipation tightening in his stomach.

"Mr. Forbes," the doctor began, his voice grave. "We've completed our tests on your sister, Lilith Forbes. There's no sign of permanent damage, but the coma..."

He paused, his gaze flickering between Ryle and Laura. "It seems to be trauma-induced. There's a chance she could wake up... soon. Or it could take longer. We simply don't know."

The doctor's words hung in the air, a crushing weight of uncertainty. Ryle stared at his lap, the world around him blurring. For Lilith, he would find the strength to endure, to fight alongside her, even in the face of the unknown.

The road ahead was shrouded in mist, but for the first time since the accident, a flicker of resolve kindled within him. He wouldn't let the darkness consume him. He would wait, and he would fight, for the chance to see the light reflected in Lilith's eyes once again.

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