The Hospital Trip

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"So you think that you can hang out with these idiots? Just because we are in a different state, doesn't mean I won't make you pay. You need to pay for being a whore. It's not attractive." Dave said to me. Andy and Adrian restrained me while Dave was in my face. Tony was still standing by the door. Why did he have to turn against me?

Michael came up to Dave and looked like he was going to fight him, but Dave pulled out a switchblade and pointed it to him. "No! Leave him out of it Dave. Leave all of them out of it. This is between you and me." I told him. I really don't want the boys to get into this. They could get hurt. I don't want that.

"You should listen to her. She knows what could happen. I wouldn't want to hurt you." Dave said mocking Michael. Michael tensed up and so did the other boys.

Dave stepped closer to me with the switchblade in hand. "What do I have to do to keep you away from these poor guys? What have I told you about making bew friends? It's not good for you or anyone around you." Dave said with the blade lightly pressed against my stomach. I shook in terror. I don't want to go like this.

"Please don't hurt me Dave. I'll do whatever you want. Don't hurt them either, please." I begged. I was on verge of crying. I know what he could do. Bothing is too far with Dave.

"Anything you say?" Dave said with a smirk. I nodded keeping my mouth shut. All eyes were focused on Dave.

"How about you get lost and don't show your face here again. I know these poor boys wouldn't want to see you anyway." Dave began, but was cut off by Ashton making his way over.

"If you think keeping her away from us is bad, you've never been more wrong in your whole pathetic life." Ashton said through his teeth.

Dave applied more pressure on the blade which started to break skin. I whimpered, which set Luke off.

Luke full out attacked Dave. After Luke jumped to Dave, Michael, and Ashton joined. Calum pulled me out of Andy and Adrian's grip. The two went to help fight with Dave. Calum hugged me tight and wouldn't let go.

Tony ran away once Luke attacked. Michael cursed realizing he was cut. I began to pannic. I didn't want anyone to get hurt.

Luke and Ashton knocked out Andy and Adrian which just left Dave. Ashton and Luke stood in front of Michael. Ashton took the blade out of Dave's grip and broke the blade.

Ashton broke the blade with his hands. Great, now we really have to go to the hospital. He doesn't even realize that he's bleeding.

Ashton and Michael then beagan to beat Dave to the ground as Luke gave the last punch in the face.

Dave, Adrian, and Amdy layed on the floor out cold. I walk over to Michael who starts to stare in shock. I ignore the look and look at his cut. It was near his eyebrow. I felt so bad. It's a small cut, but it could be deep. This is all my fault.

"We need to go to the hospital, now." Michael said. He picked me up. I'm still comfused. I look at Calum who had blood on his blue shirt. He didn't fight or was toutched by the blade.

I looked down and saw that my white shirg was covered in blood.

Michael sat in the back with me on his lap and Ashton next to me. My head resten on Ashton's lap while Michael held the rest of my body. Luke climbed into the driver's seat and Calum in the passenger seat.

Luke pulled out of the driveway and drove to the hospital. Calum occasionally checked on me from the front while Ashton looked like he was ready to punch something. He still looked tense. I kissed his hands and he smiled. He still looked tense.

Michael looked deep in my eyes. He looked the most hurt, although I couldn't see Luke. Luke was focused on driving.

Michael looked as if he had lost everything. He wasn't even worried about the blood dripping down his face.

I was so worried for all of them. I didn't want to loose them. I didn't want them hurt. They're all hurt. Either physically or emotionally, maybe even both. I am grateful they all put their lives on the line for me and each other. I will always remember that.

We arrived at the hospital and I was taken away to a room where they put me under some drug. I knew I would have to be stitched up. I'm just glad that this pain would be over soon.


A doctor took me into a small room and began to stitch up my hands. I can't play drums for weeks now. "That was brave what you and your friends did for that girl. We will notify police and have them arrested. All three." The doctor said. I just nodded.

I told the doctor the whole situation. I felt so bad. I wanted to help protect Alana, but it all backfired. We still have to look for a home though, and it can't be the one we visited today.

The doctor finnished and headed out. I stayed in the room for a while then headed to the waiting room to sit with Cal and Luke. Luke only had a few bruises on him. He sat there nervous. We all were. We were nervous for Alana's safety. I needed her here. She's my best friend. Like a sister to me. I need her here.


"Looks like there will be some scaring. You only need a stitch or two. Nothing too big." The doctor said. I nodded and he began the "operation".

I didn't even feel the pain. That wasn't my concern right now. I was worried about Alana.

After the "procedure", I walked around to the waiting room. I ended up falling asleep thinking about Alana.



I hope you guys liked it. A little bit of action there. Hope you had a great day, or are having a great day! I love y'all!

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