"This part of the surprise, I didn't really like it. Is there a way we can change this part? Would you get a refund for the time and energy you spent on bringing her as a surprise for me?"

"As if I would spend anything in her favor?"

"Rajkumari of Krishneri, should I remind you of who brought her into our equation?"

"Listen..." She suddenly grabbed the gold chain around his neck, slightly angry. "I don't want to ruin a good mood by arguing about it."

"Well, it is as good as ruined anyway. Why is she here?"

"She came for you."

"Oh..." He turned to Yuvika after whispering with his wife like two thieves planning to loot. "Hello, Rajkumari. It is nice to see you here. Though I'm surprised you didn't show up at the welcoming gallery."

Mayurakshi raised an eyebrow at her husband. "Nice??"

Shakra chuckled and put an arm around her shoulder. "Jealous, are we sparrows?"

"Can I eat as well?" Yuvika walked in as if she owned the place and took a sweet from the sweet. She fed him half of a kaja and ate the other half. She then chuckled. "I don't know if it is the taste of your lips or the sweetness itself."

Mayurakshi tightly gripped her first and prevented it from touching her pretty face. Shakra was taken aback by the flirtatious comment.

"I'm sure it is the sweet dish you are eating, Akka. He is hardly sweet." Mayurakshi chuckled and then almost pretended as if she were whispering. "Nothing about my husband is sweet... No part of him can be described as sweet."

Shakra raised an eyebrow. "I'm not sweet?"

"You can be if you consider tigers to be sweet."

"I'm sure he is a sweet person." Yuvika argued.

Mayurakshi laughed and shook her head. "I'm sorry. Yes, he is sweet." The grin on her face made Yuvika ask a question.

"Why are you laughing?"

She laughed again. "Nothing..."

"You just said that he can be sweet only if you can consider tigers to be sweet."

"Yes. I know that. I'd say that a more accurate representation would be an eagle that preys on a poor little sparrow."

"Of course, he is a tiger in a battle." Yuvika huffed.

"Yes..." Mayurakshi laughed again. "But I'd kind of like to explain that I wasn't talking about battlefields. There's a whole different section to him that I've figured out but...." Shakra grinned, realizing what she was thinking when she said that. Mayurakshi pushed Shakra ahead. "Go change. Your bath is ready. Then you can eat more sweets if you want."

Shakra walked away, chuckling.

Mayurakshi stood alone there with Yuvika. The air turned tense, and Mayurakshi was quick to notice it. She always knew Yuvika would turn more dangerous the moment she realized that she was married to Shakra. Even if she tried to replay the conversation with Gurudev to Yuvika, she wouldn't ever believe it.

Yuvika didn't say anything and left.

Mayurakshi was sitting in the study and reading the reports that were given to her. Mayurakshi recognized a familiar scent that disturbed her concentration. "Did Amma hand them over to you?"

"Actually, Mavaiyya did. He insisted that I should start taking on some of her responsibilities. Starting with the finances of Rang Bhavan. He said that at the same time, I should also learn a little more about how most administrative work takes place. I hadn't expected the workload. I have to hand in the reviews from all these reports to Mavaiyya by the end of this week." Mayurakshi explained. Shakra looked at the notes she was making on a piece of parchment.

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