chapter two

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season one, episode two'the first cut is the deepest'

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season one, episode two
'the first cut is the deepest'


Olivia sat at the bar she found near the hospital 'joes'—downing another glass that the owner Joe had sat in-front of her. She was wearing a red dress and her best black heels. She wasn't on a date or even waiting for one, she thought that dressing up after her first days at the hospital would do her some good—it didn't.

The only thing it lead her to do was drunkenly make out with Alex Karev in the bars tiny bathroom even in her drunken manner she knew this wasn't good to be doing especially knowing how Alex acts—she pulled away from the kiss wiping her lips "we shouldn't be doing this." she told him leaving the bathroom before he could stop her she was gone.


"God I need coffee." Olivia complained taking George's from him "Hey!" she ignored his complaints leaning against the wall besides her when Izzie and Meredith joined "Why do you put up posters for roommates if you don't want roommates?" Meredith was pacing in front of them "I do want roommates. We're together 100 hours a week. You want to live together too?" The blonde stressed

Olivia took another sip of George's coffee "I mean yeah plus you already know us. Wouldn't that be better?"

"Bringing bribes now, huh?" Cristina asked walking up to the group "I need a place to live, my mom irons my scrubs, I have to get out of there." George complained about his living situation

"It's not a bribe. I don't think it's a good idea." Olivia shook her head "come on Mer, you won't find better roommates!" the brunette whined

"I can put down last, first, and deposit." George told Mer trying to convince her too when Izzie added "I can cook, and I'm an obsessive cleaner."

Olivia held her to hands out to Iz, and George "Meredith. Come on it's a full package, Izzie can clean and cook, George has money, and I can't add much to that but I swear I'm funny." She insisted making Meredith roll her eyes "No, I just want three total strangers. Who I don't have to talk to or be nice to, and it's not a bribe. It's a mocha latte." she said walking away from them when Bailey spoke

"George, you're running the code team, Meredith, take the trauma pager, Cristina, deliver the weekend labs to the patients, Izzie, you're on sutures, and Olivia, you're in the pit."

Olivia slightly threw her head back she hated the pit, something stupid always seemed to happen down there. Bailey went to walk up the stairs when Meredith chased after her "Dr. Bailey, I was hoping to assist you in the O.R. today. Maybe do a minor procedure. I think I'm ready. Mocha latte?" She tried to bribe the resident.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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