Birthday Party

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Do we have money? Zhan asked.

Tons of it, Meng Ziyi and Ming Jue replied in unison. Good. That's one down.

How about my gold and Pa's cows? Zhan asked.

Cheng and I sneaked out 300 cows, but your uncle kept the rest. Ming Jue replied. Your gold is safe and secure in the bank, where they appreciate in value. You can rest assured that your assets are well taken care of.

"That old geezer," Zhan hissed, "always hoarded everything for himself."

"Are the cows still alive?" Zhan asked with concern.

"No worries, crown prince," Sang reassured. "We took good care of them, and although we've sold some and a few died, we still have over 10,000 cows in total."

I heard that the villagers were affected by erosion, some people lost their homes, and some of them died. Zhan asked.

Yeah, you're up to date. Sang replied.

My mate told me their farm and house were affected by erosion, but luckily their house is still in better condition than many others.

The erosion shocked a lot of people.Your father built a wall to keep the river out of the village. Ming Jue said.

Yeah, I will look into it. Zhan replied. He cannot imagine the horrors the majority of the villagers have gone through.

I need you to build a befitting house for my mate's grandmother, including staff quarters. Employ people to work on the farm. I don't want my mate to soil his hands anymore, and I also want someone to take care of his grandmother. She was kind to me, and she dedicated all her time and energy to caring for her grandson, neglecting her own needs in the process. I need her taken care of.

Take 1000 cows with you when you are going to see him tomorrow. Sang, I want you to tell every village in the kingdom to come and take cows. Give them money to fix or build a new home, and to start farming.

When they ask, tell them it's courtesy of the crown prince," Zhan hissed. "I want my uncle to be on edge.

Right away, Sang said, typing on his phone. He sent a message to everyone on his contact list, spreading the news of the crown prince's generous offer. Word would travel quickly, and soon people from every village in the kingdom would start arriving to claim their cows and receive the funds to build new homes and start farming. This would surely put the crown prince's uncle on edge, as the people rallied behind his nephew's benevolent actions.

My uncle's birthday is on Friday, I need a copy of his guest list.

Oh, I have it here. I know a few people who exchange information for food and money. Sang replied.

I also need outfits for my mate and myself, as he will join me at the celebration.

Are you sure you want to do that? You haven't seen your uncle in 50 years. Ming Jue asked.

"Yes, I will take care of it," Zhan replied. He knew that reconnecting with his uncle after all these years would be brutal. He wanted Wang to see the other side of him, maybe that'll humble him.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it," Ming Jue replied. "I have connections with a few designers who can help us find the perfect outfits for you and your mate. Just let me know the colors and I'll make sure everything is arranged for the celebration."

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