Pancy: But having the Mark would bind you forever to the figure of You-Know-Who, and the Death Eaters who strongly support the ideals of You-Know-Who are in Azkaban, my uncle is in Azkaban right now...

Aurora: The truth is, our families are all made up of Death Eaters! Cowards who hid as soon as Voldemort - as soon as Rory said our father's name, everyone shuddered - was defeated by Potter, proving themselves unworthy of the mark they were given!

Aurora: The truth is, our families are all made up of Death Eaters! Cowards who hid as soon as Voldemort - as soon as Rory said our father's name, everyone shuddered - was defeated by Potter, proving themselves unworthy of the mark they were given!

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Me: Rory...
Aurora: How much do you want to bet that as soon as he returns, all his old followers, those who have betrayed their ideals and principles out of fear, will come crawling back to him and greet him as they did everything they could to get him back!

She freezes and looks at me

Theo: At least we know who among us will be the first to make the mark when the Dark One returns.

Everyone bursts out laughing, but she and I remain serious and bow our heads. What the hell was wrong with her?

The next evening

Rory has just entered the common room with a worried look on her face, as soon as she sees me she takes my hand and we walk to her room where, after checking that it was empty, she invites us in.

Aurora: Harry knows...

I raise an eyebrow in confusion

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I raise an eyebrow in confusion

Me: Knows what?

Rory: She knows that Bellatrix Lestrange had two children with Tom Riddle!

Me: And how does he know that?

Rory: She told me that in the house at 12 Grimmauld Place there's a family tree of the whole Black family, including us, of course.

Me: And were our names on it?

Rory: He said the names were protected by a spell, Sirius tried to find out, but he couldn't...

Aurora's POV

Mattheo puts his hands in his hair and I reassure him that as long as the spell holds, no one will find out our true identities. But he does not seem to be convinced.

-The Children of Darkness- The Riddle SiblingsWhere stories live. Discover now