Chapter 10

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A/N: Sorry this chapter was a bit delayed! I have the flu and today is the first day all week that my brain doesn't feel like total mush.

The next few weeks were fairly uneventful. Avery was starting to feel a bit more like herself now that they had settled on a dose of medication, which was helping her to get through the last few weeks of the school year. They had made the difficult decision to switch Avery to homeschooling, which was also a huge help with her anxiety. She was still participating in a few different extracurricular activities so she would get time with her friends, but being at school all day still seemed to be too much for her to handle right now. They had already planned for Avery to switch to homeschooling for the next school year to make things easier when both Taylor and Travis would be traveling for work.

Taylor was also preparing to return to tour, and Avery was thrilled to find out that she would get to travel and attend as many shows as she wanted. She was excited to get to travel around Europe all summer, and she was especially looking forward to the week they were going to be all together in London, somewhere she had always wanted to visit. She was even more excited that Travis had recruited her to help pull off a special surprise for Taylor.


"Hey Aves?" Travis called upstairs after he had finished recording his podcast episode.

"What's up?" Avery answered, coming out of her bedroom.

"Are you done with your schoolwork for today?" Travis asked.

"I just finished, why?" Avery responded

"I was thinking maybe we could go get some ice cream. Maybe we can check out that new place down the street," Travis suggested.

They opted to sit outside at one of the little picnic tables, chatting and enjoying their ice cream. Avery ordered her usual, cookie dough with chocolate sprinkles, while Travis opted for some chocolate soft serve. Avery excitedly told him all about the project she was working on for school, promising to show him the presentation when they got home.

"So Aves, I was hoping you might be willing to help me with something," Travis began.

"Sure, what do you need?" Avery asked.

"Well, I want to ask Taylor to marry me," he explained.

Avery screamed in response, clearly excited by the idea.

"Haha, I take it you approve? Do you want to see the ring I picked?" Travis asked, pulling out his phone to show her the pictures.

"Wow, it's beautiful," Avery whispered, "She's going to love it."

"I was thinking of asking her when we're all in London this summer, do you think she'd like that?" Travis asked.

"I think she'll love that! How are you planning to ask her?" Avery asked.

"That's what I was hoping you could help me with. I know you guys have been talking about all the things you want to do while we're travelling this summer. Has she mentioned any restaurants that she likes?" Travis asked.

"Oh! She did mention a few different restaurants she wanted to show me while we're in London! I can check my trip notebook and see if I wrote them down," Avery said excitedly.

"Perfect! Do you want to be there when I ask her?" Travis asked.

"I would love that! I'm so excited for you guys!" Avery giggled.

*End Flashback*

Avery couldn't hide her excitement when Travis finally arrived in London. While she and Taylor had gone straight to Taylor's London house after her previous show, Travis had been home for a team event. She had been nervously tracking his flight since he had left Kansas City and was incredibly relieved to see that he had landed. While her anxiety was much more manageable now, she still got incredibly anxious when either Taylor or Travis had to fly somewhere.

"Dad's here!" Avery called, running to the door to let him in.

Ever since the day in the hospital where she had slipped and called him Dad, Avery had started experimenting with using that title for Travis. Now, she used it more often than not, pretty much only calling him by his name when he did something to annoy her. She had never had a father-figure in her life before, which made her bond with Travis even more special.

"Hey girlie!" Travis greeted her, wrapping her in a hug.

"I missed you this week," Avery said, leading him into the house.

"She wasn't the only one who missed you," Taylor laughed, sneaking a quick kiss.

"I missed you both like crazy," Travis said, hugging them both.

A few days later, Taylor had just finished her last show in London and was getting ready for dinner. Avery seemed a bit nervous, but Taylor didn't think much of it as she carefully braided her hair.

When they arrived at the restaurant, they were quickly escorted to a private dining room in the back. They quickly ordered, Taylor and Avery opting for a pasta and seafood dish while Travis ordered a steak. After the server had left, Travis cleared his throat.

"Taylor? There's something I've been meaning to ask you," he began, dropping down to one knee, "You've changed my life in more ways than I've ever thought possible. Being with you has filled my life with so much joy, and every day with you just gets better and better. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you. I promise to spend every day showing you and Avery how much you both mean to me. So Taylor, will you please do me the incredible honor of becoming my wife?"

"Yes!" Taylor choked out, tears streaming down her face.

A Place In This World - Adopted By Taylor Swift and Travis KelceWhere stories live. Discover now